NewcastleFalcon wrote: 25 Feb 2018, 14:04CitroJim wrote: 25 Feb 2018, 12:11 Tell me one thing. Why are these so-called SUVs so popular?
I really don't get it...
Yes I don't get it either. I always have my bargain basement head on though so probably don't think like the SUV owner( or should I say renter/contract hirer/leaser/personal contract purchaser). For my needs I can perfectly adequately run my older vehicles at a fraction of the outgoings for the additional pleasure of running a new one which I dont quite get either.
All right occasionally if my MOT tester finds a few things that need attention, and I need 4 tyres at the same time and a new exhaust, the annual bill might creep up to £399 at a push but look at some of the "deals for new cars" and you'll be paying not much short of that a month!
Just straight out of google a Deal on the Car of the Year SUV First one out £389/month plus a customer deposit of £4,405..oh and despite paying us all of this money you can obviously only do 10,000 miles per year!
Might be nice to drive around for a bit, and no doubt a safe an well put together car, but for me its the 6 bottles of wine Clio with an airbag light that needs sorting that I will always plump for!
Regards Neil
I had a customer deposit of £650 and after having the brakes and timing belt/water pump/tensioners renewed (free - I gave the guy my old C5) I have an ANNUAL bill of around £500 for tax, insurance, MOT and wear and tear items (tyres mainly).
I have no desire whatsoever for a shiny new money pit.
OK, mine is a shed but a new car would soon achieve the same status under my care.
The Jones' around here don't give a **** whether I keep up with them or not