another xantia

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Re: another xantia

Unread post by van ordinaire »

That, of course, is the perrenial problem with very low milage cars, more so with those that look like they've been nurtured but not used.

Cars are meant to be driven so, full service check out the safety related items, go out & enjoy it - best way of finding out what else needs attention. :wink:
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Re: another xantia

Unread post by Frenchy »

It's back in daily use but only short trips to and from work and friends and appears to be behaving as it should.

The front spheres were quite flat but reusable by Doug but the rear ones had to be thrown away.

The only niggle at the moment is that the rear when raised to highest setting and then back to normal ride height takes quite a long time to settle back. All spheres were replaced and the rear ride height selector was rebuilt as it was sticking. Could this be a linkage problem or is there something else we have overlooked?

The car will be used as a normal everyday car for as long as possible, having found one like this, rot free and low mileage, hopefully it will last many years.
Hell Razor5543
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Re: another xantia

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

As citronut (Malcolm) used to say when he had to work on a height controller, "Work and grease, work and grease". I take this to mean that (when he had one off the car) he would move the arm several times through its' full travel, apply some white grease, full travel a few more times, grease, and repeat until the arm moved freely.
Last edited by Hell Razor5543 on 23 Jan 2018, 12:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: another xantia

Unread post by CitroJim »

Hell Razor5543 wrote: 23 Jan 2018, 11:06 as citronut (Malcolm) used to say when he had to work on a height controller, "Work and grease, work and grease". I take this to mean that (when he had one off the car) he would move the arm several times through its' full travel, apply some white grease, full travel a few more times, grease, and repeat until the arm moved freely.

That's it James, a bit like the Karate Kid and 'wax on, wax off' ;)

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