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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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moizeau wrote: 13 Oct 2022, 07:15
CitroJim wrote: 13 Oct 2022, 05:41

Ditto the French... Always found them lovely... I like their attitude...
We do live in 'cowsville' so it may be different in the larger towns and cities.
I generally find that wherever you are in the world, people in big cities are stressed and generally, erm, not too polite. My uncle tells a tale of his first visit to Paris back in the early 80s. He asked a chap "Excuse me, do you speak English?"

Man replies... "Yes, do you speak French?".. and walked off.
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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mickthemaverick wrote: 10 Oct 2022, 21:07 I said my final goodbye to my RF900 RW a few weeks ago, I miss it but I wasn't ever going to ride it following my own misadventure on a roundabout covered in wet leaves which were disguised by dark shadow on a very sunny autumn morning. That was 2 years ago and it took me till last month to finally sell my trusty steed!! :-D

Are you sure you'll not get another one Mick? I said that , but then didn't even have more than about 10 minutes without owning one - the time it took for them to unload my new bike and load my old one into the van.
I never rode an RF900, they were always on my radar as a stealthy beast. What was the power output? I'd like another inline-4 again, love the howl they make. My BMW 800 is a Rotax twin with the standard exhaust, and it sounds like a 350cc scooter..
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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CitroJim wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 05:06
bobins wrote: 10 Oct 2022, 20:59 It's not until you get that sort of response to a 999 call that you realise what state the ambulance / NHS is in :( It wasn't even a busy time of day - it was about 3.00pm on a boring weekday. Just over 3 hours after the incident I finally managed to say farewell to him as they took him off in the ambulance. All was well with him in the end - battered and bruised ribs and various other components. It does make you think though - there but for the grace of god and all that 8-[
Sadly, my experience too... One could not attend me after my bike crash - I got taken to hospital in an SUV by a kind passer-by and it was not until I was examined in A and E it became apparent how badly injured I was!

Some while previously, I was leading a bike ride when tow of our riders crashed into each other rendering one unconscious Again, no ambulance available.. Her husband came and took her to A and E with a nasty case of concussion...

Basically, if the victim is conscious and not in any immediate danger of dying then you'll be lucky to get an ambulance...
That's bloody ridiculous. I've not had any reason to call one as yet. Last time I did is detailed in this blog some pages ago, when Zuzanna binned her bike near Brecon. They turned up pretty quickly then, but that was Wales, and I imagine that out there where we were there's not a lot of call for them, apart from bikers in ditches..
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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CitroJim wrote: 12 Oct 2022, 07:14
Michel wrote: 11 Oct 2022, 17:04 I also got bored a couple of Sundays ago and went for a tour of puerile place names within a reasonable distance.. :oops: [-X
Raunds is worth a visit to bag 'Titty Ho' Mike...

I used to live in a close just off that road..

On your way, call in and see me, it's been too long and we need a catch-up... The welcome mat is always out :)
I would love to Jim, you just tell me when you're in, and I'll be there. I've managed, somehow, to amass 21 days of leave I need to take before 1st Jan, so pretty much any time is convenient! I do love a ride up there, pressing "avoid motorways" gets me all sorts of interesting places!
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Michel wrote: 14 Oct 2022, 11:39
mickthemaverick wrote: 10 Oct 2022, 21:07 I said my final goodbye to my RF900 RW a few weeks ago, I miss it but I wasn't ever going to ride it following my own misadventure on a roundabout covered in wet leaves which were disguised by dark shadow on a very sunny autumn morning. That was 2 years ago and it took me till last month to finally sell my trusty steed!! :-D

Are you sure you'll not get another one Mick? I said that , but then didn't even have more than about 10 minutes without owning one - the time it took for them to unload my new bike and load my old one into the van.
I never rode an RF900, they were always on my radar as a stealthy beast. What was the power output? I'd like another inline-4 again, love the howl they make. My BMW 800 is a Rotax twin with the standard exhaust, and it sounds like a 350cc scooter..
No I definitely won't be going back on 2 wheels Mike, apart from scaring myself to death SWMBO has pleaded with me not to, so I won't. :)

As for the bike it was superb with a quoted power output of 125bhp. You can see MCN's review here!! 8-)
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Michel wrote: 14 Oct 2022, 11:47 I would love to Jim, you just tell me when you're in, and I'll be there. I've managed, somehow, to amass 21 days of leave I need to take before 1st Jan, so pretty much any time is convenient! I do love a ride up there, pressing "avoid motorways" gets me all sorts of interesting places!
And pretty much any time is good for me Mike... I'm retired now so every day is my own... If I'm not home than I'll either be out running, cycling or visiting the kids..

Most days I'm home for a lot of the day as I tend to run very early in the morning...

Just message me the day before and we'll arrange...

Looking forward to seeing you :)
mickthemaverick wrote: 14 Oct 2022, 14:04 No I definitely won't be going back on 2 wheels Mike, apart from scaring myself to death SWMBO has pleaded with me not to, so I won't. :)
I could still be tempted Mick, I must confess... If I ever did it would have to be a multi-cylinder 2-stroke, old and most likely Japanese... Top of my wish list would be a Suzuki GT380, 550 or 750 needing restoration... Or absolutely top and beyond any likelihood, a Suzuki RE5.

I can dream - in the same way I dream of having a Citroen SM...

If I did get a bike, like your SWMBO, my kids would go ballistic... A pushbike is pushing limits with them and I have to share every ride I do with them on Garmin Livetrack so they know where I am and that I'm OK... If I stop moving too long - say, at a particularly good cafe, I get a call... And if I ever accidentally set off Garmin Crash Detect the call is even more urgent!

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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I sold my 1st Zeph1100 back in 2000 I think and bought my mate's Blackbird, 3 years old with 52 miles on it. Sold that in 2005 when we moved to France. I couldn't warrant having a plastic missile on country roads and I had lots of work to do on the house. The Bird paid for me to reroof the front.
I kept my TY250 though.
As time moved on and the kids left home I hankered after another.
May 2019 and I bought a 1980 Z1000st, not been ran for 10 years, everything needed replacing or repairing. It's a scruffy old beast but mechanically sound apart from a slight twist in the frame but hey....
Then I wanted another, bought a 1983 GPz1100 fuel injection with a seized engine. That is still in bits slowly coming together...
Then I bought a Zeph11, tired looking with green goo blocking the carbs up. All the ally parts were stripped, wheels, swing arm, engine covers and forks and had a meeting with the polishing mop. Still needs a respray 'cause previous owner decided it would look 'nice' with a café racer style go faster stripe down the middle....
Then I saw a moped for sale in Paris...1980 Z650 2 owners from new, not ridden for 7 years. That's at the back of my garage for another day.
So not including the TY and including the stripped GPz11 I've gone from none to 4. Still choose the scruffy beast though for some reason.
Notice the BX is still top the list but sadly gone
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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Wow! Some very tasty bikes there Pete :D

Loving the Z1000 especially ;)

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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CitroJim wrote: 14 Oct 2022, 15:18
Michel wrote: 14 Oct 2022, 11:47 I would love to Jim, you just tell me when you're in, and I'll be there. I've managed, somehow, to amass 21 days of leave I need to take before 1st Jan, so pretty much any time is convenient! I do love a ride up there, pressing "avoid motorways" gets me all sorts of interesting places!
I could still be tempted Mick, I must confess... If I ever did it would have to be a multi-cylinder 2-stroke, old and most likely Japanese... Top of my wish list would be a Suzuki GT380, 550 or 750 needing restoration... Or absolutely top and beyond any likelihood, a Suzuki RE5.
I saw this today in a dealer in Wokingham while I was with a friend dropping her bike off for some repairs.

Suits you sir. Very nice. I can just see you on this.
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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Get the Kettle on
Notice the BX is still top the list but sadly gone
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Michel wrote: 15 Oct 2022, 17:51I saw this today in a dealer in Wokingham while I was with a friend dropping her bike off for some repairs.

Suits you sir. Very nice. I can just see you on this.
Wow! I love that - especially in black 8-) :-D A true motorcycling masterpiece :-D

I could see me on it too :P
moizeau wrote: 15 Oct 2022, 17:57 Get the Kettle on
:-D The perfect name for them...

Back in the day, we around these parts used to call them 'Teasmades'... I'm not too sure if that was a common nickname for them or fairly unique to the crowd I used to associate with...

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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CitroJim wrote: 15 Oct 2022, 18:23 Back in the day, we around these parts used to call them 'Teasmades'... I'm not too sure if that was a common nickname for them or fairly unique to the crowd I used to associate with...
Somehow, I suspect the latter... :rofl2:
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Yamaha MT-09

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Michel wrote: 15 Oct 2022, 18:32
CitroJim wrote: 15 Oct 2022, 18:23 Back in the day, we around these parts used to call them 'Teasmades'... I'm not too sure if that was a common nickname for them or fairly unique to the crowd I used to associate with...
Somehow, I suspect the latter... :rofl2:
We were quite unique in many ways Mike :lol: A lot of us still are!!!

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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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My mob called them boilers! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: The adventures of Michel's C3 Picasso and Frank the F800R

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mickthemaverick wrote: 15 Oct 2022, 18:43 My mob called them boilers! :-D
That's a good name for them Mick :-D Did they ever have any reputation for overheating? I can never recall they did...

Runner, cyclist, duathlete, Citroen AX fan and the CCC Citroenian 'From A to Z' Columnist...