I would think so, but 11 plate ones, even with similar miles on are being adviertised for considerably more than I'd expect - at least 5 times what I paid for mine!GiveMeABreak wrote: 14 Aug 2021, 14:15 I'm almost certain that will be written off with both doors, sill and rear panel (can't see whether that's shine or a scrape on the front wing). They wrote my XM off with the same sort of damage. I guess it will be battling over the market value now - if you had any towbar or electrics fitted - make sure you include that.
Front wing is undamaged, it's just doors, sill and rear wing. If they write if off, I'll buy it back and whizz a couple of doors on it presuming the price is right. The sill - that's easy enough to deal with. My brother's been making and welding his own panels and repair sections for his Mitsubishi Delica over the last few weeks. He can sort the sills..
Where is the paint code please Marc?