I've given up smoking 9 years ago. It was too cold for a tea too, it would have gone cold. The temperature was a balmy 0c.
I serviced the motorbike this afternoon and it actually took longer than the C1 despite it only having a litre of oil, no filter and one spark plug! It does need 6 screws undoing to get at the air filter and the right-hand footrest and 8 bolts have to be removed to get at the oil strainer which lives next to the clutch under the right hand side engine cover.
I think the bike needs a new battery. It's not the liveliest starter and sometimes refuses if it's been cold for some days. It bump starts immediately though or kickstarts.
I'm unsure how it was actually running with this plug in it. There's virtually no gap!
It takes a lot less space than a car to service too!