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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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Thanks Eric, much appreciated!
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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Well, the Picasso has done sterling service the last few days with 3 return trips up to Huntingdon, running around Reading and Henley, and then bringing me to work this evening. Fuel economy has worked out at 35.2mpg, and I suppose I can't complain at that. I worked it out to have cost me about £10 more for the mileage below than it would have done in a diesel at Richard's average of 43mpg
own work
own work
I also, with free use of frog tape, worked out that it is actually the interior window seal creating the wind noise. At least I know what it is now. I simply taped up the window as shown, and the noise stopped. I'll have to get a new set of seals for it.
Window taped up
Window taped up
Apart from traipsing up and down the motorways, I woke up yesterday morning and thought "this bedroom paintwork is horrible". I'd redecorated it last year and have always been slightly uneasy about whether I actually liked it or not. I had done it a dark colour to help me sleep when I work nights, but I think it was simply making me wake up and feel miserable. So, I went and bought paint, brushes, and paint pads, and spent yesterday morning and this morning painting it back to a lovely shade of .. erm... magnolia. Tomorrow I shall finish it off, and sand down the bedside cabinets in preparation for staining them a nice colour again, instead of the weird monochrome paint scheme I inflicted on them last year. I'll also be preparing for the arrival of a certain blue 207, by doing.. precisely sweet FA, as I know it will just work. I have already received a cable to set the Aux ports on the head unit to present.

After all the hassle with the Focus I've had, I no longer really feel a connection to it. Having looked on Autotrader and seeing them advertised for considerably more than I paif for mine, at similar ages and mileages, but without new timing belts and so on, I think it will be up for sale very soon. I just .. don't get it, at all. It's very, very fast and good fun, but ... meh. I think having driven old s**t for years, I find it far more fun driving a slow car "fast" than having nearly 300bhp to play with, where I can go fast with ease....
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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If it would help I may be able to get hold of a sleep mask for you, Michel.
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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Hell Razor5543 wrote: 30 Dec 2017, 21:12 If it would help I may be able to get hold of a sleep mask for you, Michel.

Thanks but I have 4 of them and they work fine, that's one other reason I decided it was time to paint the room!
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

Unread post by bxzx16v »

I bet your glad you got to the bottom of the wind noise Michel , a pet hate myself when I have the roofbars on the Freelander the noise drives me crazy .

2009 Landrover Freelander 2 TD4se (killed an Audi) , sadly now gone .
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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bxzx16v wrote: 31 Dec 2017, 09:15 I bet your glad you got to the bottom of the wind noise Michel , a pet hate myself when I have the roofbars on the Freelander the noise drives me crazy .


I am indeed Mark! It was driving me round the bend even though it wasn't actually that loud! I'll get some new seals for it this week once this new year nonsense is over!
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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Yes, I am paranoid, but am I paranoid ENOUGH?
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

Unread post by Michel »

Hell Razor5543 wrote: 31 Dec 2017, 15:23 Would these seals be of use?;

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ ... y_edit.jpg

Only if you know a doctor who can surgically remove them from you...
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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They'd be good for keeping draughts out though but against that they are rumoured to pong a bit...

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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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GiveMeABreak wrote: 25 Nov 2017, 23:43 Mike, if it's the 'door entry strip' (Number 12) then it's Part 9025 GL - £86.54 inc
Mike Seal A.JPG

However as I'm not sure this is the part you want - the only other seals are the following:
Side Seal Right (No 11) Part 9023 ZX £32.78 Inc.
Side seal Left (No 11) Part 9023 ZW £32.78 Inc.

Weatherstrip on Door
Right (No 10) Part 9023 ZV £36.30
Left (No 10) Part 9023 ZT £36.30
Mike Seal B.JPG


Hi Marc

VIN 45356393

Could you see if you have part numbers and prices for the seals that go around the moving part of the window please?

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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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If it is part 12 for the rear door window seal then it's the same as the price I've posted previously (Part 9025 GL and cost is £86.54 inc. VAT)
Picasso Seal.PNG
If not you'll need to identify the item number you want Mike. The only other ones are items 5 & 6 below:

Door Window Lower Inside (5) and Outside (6) Seals
Seal 2.PNG
9309 L4 (5) £12.19 (Left)
9310 J1 (5) £12.19 (Right)

9334 J4 (6) £32.21 (Left)
9334 J5 (6) £32.32 (Right)
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Are you sure it's not just the window track liner come adrift and slid down in the door, they sometimes get dragged down if they're a bit tight on the glass.
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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Well, the ex-Jim 207 well and truly has it's feet under the table (or should that be tyres on the drive?) here. It's a lovely little car, as superb as you'd expect with it's heritage. It drives better than my previous one did. Shame about the scrape on the rear door but once the Picasso or Focus is sold I'll be getting that fixed too.

Today a man with a steam cleaning van came and cleaned the interior. It came up like new.
After that, I transferred all the wifey's gubbins from the Picasso into it and let it tick over on the drive for an hour with air-con on to help dry out the interior faster.

Finally, as seems to be a habit recently, I nipped over to Reading to see Hellrazor to use his Lexia to activate the aux ports on the RD3 headunit in the Pug.
Same cheapo Amazon cable and a small hole drilled in the back of the oddments tray to feed the cable through. Job done. I was going to power-wash it and wax it as well today, but it was too windy and I couldn't be bothered.
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Re: Picasso Procrastination

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Mike, I'm delighted you're pleased with the 207 :D

I must say it's really scrubbed up a treat!!! I'll be showing those pictures to Robyn soon...

She was the one responsible for the scrape down the side early in her ownership - she was absolutely devastated about it and was in floods of tears...

She's a lot more robust about such things now and treats cars like I do - quite fastidious about looking after the important bits but not too worried about the cosmetics...

A case of like father like daughter I guess :D

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Re: Picasso Procrastination

Unread post by Michel »

The only differences I see between this one and my previous one are that my old one had a leather steering wheel, a fancier "computer" display - the functionality is pretty much the same though, and alloy wheels. Oh, mine had no spare either, it had the stupid kit. I believe yours also has bigger tyres, or mine had lower suspension. This one seems to sit higher and the arches are fuller. I can't remember what size of tyres I bought for the last one though.

I'll not be breaking the bank sorting the scrape out. It will probably get a replacement door if I see a good one the same colour in a scrappy!