Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Hand signals ?? .....thinking about it I cannot remember when I last time I have seen a cyclist use them which is a bit shocking.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

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I only ever see the rude ones.
To be honest giving a right turn hand signsl can be lethal.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

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It doesn't happen often but I have seen hand signals used a couple of times in the last year or so.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by CitroJim »

Stickyfinger wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 09:29 Hand signals ?? .....thinking about it I cannot remember when I last time I have seen a cyclist use them which is a bit shocking.

I use hand signals to advise other road users of my intentions all the time; it's something I do without conscious thought... I even use a hand signal to indicate when I'm going straight ahead...

I'll also point out potholes and other hazards to following vehicles to highlight why I may have made a small deviation...
myglaren wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 10:46 It doesn't happen often but I have seen hand signals used a couple of times in the last year or so.
When riding in a peloton, I'm quite shocked at how few do use them...

I'm of the opinion that cyclists, like most other road users, should be subject to a test of competency or at least undertake some training before heading out on to the open road. Such training should include advice on attitude and behaviours toward other legitimate road users. There's nothing worse than an arrogant cyclist.

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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

myglaren wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 10:46 It doesn't happen often but I have seen hand signals used a couple of times in the last year or so.

The only ones I have seen usually involve a single digit :-D
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

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GiveMeABreak wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 13:01
myglaren wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 10:46 It doesn't happen often but I have seen hand signals used a couple of times in the last year or so.

The only ones I have seen usually involve a single digit :-D

There's a lot of arrogant cyclists around Marc :(

I never do that even if a fellow road user has done something worthy of an admonishment... Again, we're vulnerable and some drivers may be sufficiently upset by being 'given the finger' to take unpleasant retaliatory action...

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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It's usually when stationary and a cyclist 'on a mission' undertakes or overtakes with no intention of stopping for anyone - a honk of the horn usually triggers said finger as a response!
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

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I use hand signals all the time! Polite ones..

Steve Wright's just come on the radio. He's one person I'd give a slap any time despite my anti-violence outlook..
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by Michel »

GiveMeABreak wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 14:05 It's usually when stationary and a cyclist 'on a mission' undertakes or overtakes with no intention of stopping for anyone - a honk of the horn usually triggers said finger as a response!

Both are perfectly legal, so no reason to honk.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by myglaren »

GiveMeABreak wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 14:05 It's usually when stationary and a cyclist 'on a mission' undertakes or overtakes with no intention of stopping for anyone - a honk of the horn usually triggers said finger as a response!

I may have said this previously but I was waiting at the lights near work when a cyclist shot past me on the nearside (I was indicating to turn left) and straight over the crossing ignoring oncoming traffic from our left.

Only a week previously a cyclist had been severely squished there - four police cars and an ambulance in attendance, cyclist laid in the road.
The shameful thing with that one was that the traffic from the left continued flowing through red lights and past the emergency services while the lights had changed to green for the lanes I was in.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by CitroJim »

Michel wrote: 11 Jul 2017, 14:06 Steve Wright's just come on the radio. He's one person I'd give a slap any time despite my anti-violence outlook..

I just cannot bear his radio shows although people who know him tell me he's a lovely bloke when he's not behold a microphone...

I have a simple solution... I tune to BBC 3CR, our local station... Their programming is quite excellent and often I'll listen to it from 04:00 until 19:00 without finding it exasperating or annoying...

One thing, as a runner and frequent pedestrian, that really annoys me is cyclists who ride on the pavements - pavement riding, unless they are specifically shared footways and cycleways (indicated by a blue sign) is in fact illegal. The times I've been nearly squashed are numerous, especially when running.

The biggest transgressors are older blokes on hybrids who appear to be causal cyclists... Always, a perfectly good and safe road is right adjacent to the path they endanger the well-being of pedestrians on...

This does not apply to young kids or paper-boys out earning their pocket-money...

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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by elma »

Far worse than bad cyclists are bad lorry drivers. I watched one mount the pavement while apparantly sending a text today. It made him look up for a moment then he carried on texting and driving. Why are phone blockers not fitted to modern vehicles, especislly hgv?
Bluetooth should be banned in vehicles too. I thought it was a good idea until getting to know it in the Boxxer. It displays your texts on the lcd display, how thats legal is beyond me. It also is very attention consuming to actually use.
Phone blockers arent exactly new tech, they should be compulsory for anyone caught using the phone whilst driving.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by CitroJim »

Yes, the amount of mobile phone usage seen in all sorts of commercial vehicles is quite horrifying. Delivery couriers seem the biggest offenders; I've seen several mount pavements whilst dealing with their 'phones...

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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by elma »

I think the most shocking thing I've seen on the roads this year was someone having a can of beer driving on the wrong side of the road to skirt a queue and the red lights at the front of the queue. Must get a dash cam even if only for the comedy value.
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Re: Brief rant...careless smokers in cars...

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Talking about the texts - on my previous C5 the RT3 Navidrive used to read out the text messages for you - but also allowed you to reply, but that was a bit Carlos Fandango trying to use the small audio scroll wheel (like the cruise control one on the other side) to scroll through the alphabet for each letter! I was always surprised this was a feature as it was distracting and I soon gave up on it. (this was before the law came in about mobile phones usage when driving).

On the new Navidrive 3D system in the X7, it will still read out your incoming text messages (on the internal phone only - not Bluetooth ones), but they have removed the ability to reply. A better idea really, as it can be very distracting.

What does rain on my parade though is the number of people texting on the handsets - ok so if you are making calls or chatting holding on to the handset that is bad enough, but texting where you need to take your eyes off the road to look at the keypad - well that is potentially fatal. If you don't have a hands-free system or voice commands for making and receiving calls, there are plenty of cheap systems available that can provide bluetooth functionality via the headset now, so there really isn't any excuse if you simply can't be without it.
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