Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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As I remember it, not much luck on the ferry & then the longer I left it the more difficult it became & I became somewhat disillusioned, not with the forum (obviously) or the C15 but trying to maintain momentum with the blog.

However, inspired by Jim's triumphant return, I thought I'd chance my luck & Friday evening's run down to Devon gave me the push to start again (certainly not where I left off - despite the introduction, simply for the sake of continuity). 1st a little background: the 2nd w/e in Sept. was 4 days for me, ostensibly to go to Widecombe Fair on the Tuesday - but the red Cherokee had other ideas. Having spent a disproportionate amount of time on the back brakes (shoes, slaves & pipes back to the centre 3-way - because the hexes on unions had rusted away) & had it running, to check for leaks under pressure, 5 mins. later it wouldn't start - & still hasn't!. As an indirect result I've been driving back & forth every w/e (except those I went to Manchester & Malmedy - so still no rest for the C15). In fact I went back to London last Sunday, down to Devon Tuesday night, back Thursday morning, to return Friday evening - & that's what got me thinking, or at least it's when I started thinking along these lines. No sooner had I crossed into “Zunny Deb'n” than the rain forecast for Saturday started, before I could regret the wiper delay having gone on strike again it was raining so hard, that didn't matter. Generally the C15 is much better for these sorts of jaunts than it has any right to be – in a 2CV sort of way but when it rains hard it IS noisy, perhaps all the more noticeable because, as vans go, it isn't normally. So, at first blush, not the ideal vehicle for the job - & certainly not a great choice for foul weather but then I realised that in such conditions (not unlike Berlin & New Orleans – ante) I hadn't needed recourse to wipers on fast, that single blade that was an advisary on the 2017 MoT was coping admirably, as were those Serbian “Tigar” summer tyres on the front (2/3 of a £20 job lot on eBay – a long tale to which I might return another time) – I was quite glad I hadn't got round to re-fitting the Chinese winter (i.e. by the old definition/symbol) tyres. I've mentioned before that I've grown quite fond of the old thing & this feeling of being comfortable where I was just re-confirmed it. As I laboured up the first stretch of the Torbay Ringroad the rain eased off, I flicked up the wiper stalk &, voila – fully functioning intermittent! (didn't work again Saturday morning – but that's another story) AND, despite the conditions – at times - & the hold-up at Amesbury (why, at that time in the evening, I've no idea) I'd actually made excellent progress, which I put down to leaving later, giving me a clear run round the M25 & down the M3. Now – if only I could find a 1/2-decent driver's door (actually, ideally, a LHD passenger door) WITH a working window winder . . .
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by CitroJim »

Van, a great update and delighted to hear the C15 is doing sterling service :D

The Cheokee seem to be fighting you though...

It's a long time since I've driven the A303 through Amesbury and likely never will ever again :( As to delays there I never understood why the roundabout needed traffic lights on it - the roundabout worked better without them in my experience...

Of course the real issue is Stonehenge... I'd knock it down. grind it up for hardcore and use it as a base for a new dual carriageway to replace the bottleneck between Amesbury and the other side of Winterbourne Stoke... Why people wish to rubberneck a derelict pile of old stones is totally beyond me...

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by bobins »

CitroJim wrote: 26 Nov 2018, 06:31 ... Why people wish to rubberneck a derelict pile of old stones is totally beyond me...

Couldn't agree more :-D

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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^^ :rofl2:

Definitely past their best before date!!!

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Thanks for the encouragement Jim - I knew Icould rely on you!
Interesting turn this has taken as (1) the 'Stones are my alltime favourite band & (2) I feel some sort attraction to Stonehenge (& no, there's no connection - I was as amused as anyone at Bobins' piccie!) perhaps 'cosI remember being able to wander around/among the stones - but you have to be a Druid to do that now - & then only on special occasions. When I came back from Egypt & visiting the Pyramids some years ago I realised how badly we (over)manage Stonehenge. Be that as it may, you can't blame Stonehenge for traffic delays late on November Friday evening!
I know this is courting disaster but since the new clutch, apart from the well chronicled (elsewhere) issue of running out of fuel when tank's 3/4-full (still unresolved BUT a couple of weeks ago it went 275 miles between fuel stops - of course, IF it has cured itself, I'm even more concerned) the C15 just keeps doing everything asked of it, including (some of you might've missed this gem) recovering grandson's fairly recent 1 series BMW - after the cambelt snapped/slipped!
Yes the Cherokee is being a bit of a pain; it's only failed to start twice - both times it was the fuel pump relay. I'm waiting my new found friend, John the mobile mechanic to pop round & do some diagnostics, when it suits him (left the keys & some cash in the cubbybox - it's down in Torbay remember). Do miss my Saturday morning trips over the Moor, for breakfast in Princetown though.
Now, some of you good people have a lot to answer for, a few may have noticed odd, random references to looking at/for a ZX or Xsara (once I decided decent C15's were now too expensive, a 2nd one - though attractive - was just too silly AND I'd rather spent the money on the one I've got) so last night, I finally sucumbed to temptation on eBay & bought - a Xantia estate! Do I hear sucking of teeth/see shaking of heads? Too late, deed's done, no going back, probably pick it up on Wednesday, once I've mortgaged my soul to raise nearly twice the purchase price to insure it - mind you, still not as expensive as the C15! All offers of sympathy (help & parts) gratefully received.
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Great news on the Xantia estate Van :D No sucking of teeth from me - I 100% approve. They are wonderful vehicles :)

I was jesting about Stonehenge earlier and love the old pile :) I'm expressly interested in how it got there, what it was all about and the geology of the area... All very fascinating stuff...

Looking forward to much more detail on your Xantia ;)

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Trouble is, I know enough to know I don't really know enough to run a Xantia, much as I was quite taken with the idea - that's why I was looking at ZX's/Xaras, if only a stepping stone. Anyway, deed's done now so just have to hope the vendor is right & it only needs an exhaust centre section (about £15 it seems) & probably tyres on the front (s/h place I know in Paignton's got some, I'm pretty certain) for MoT due in a couple of weeks. Any/everything else can wait - especially the ratty rear wheel arches, as I bid about £100 more than I hoped to AND I've got to recover from the insurance premium: almost as much as the C15's!

Briefly returning to Stonehenge (well, I will be on Friday) what's always intrigued me, almost as much as how the stones were got to the site, is how the builders knew where they could get them.
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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van ordinaire wrote: 27 Nov 2018, 22:53 Briefly returning to Stonehenge (well, I will be on Friday) what's always intrigued me, almost as much as how the stones were got to the site, is how the builders knew where they could get them.

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by CitroJim »

myglaren wrote: 27 Nov 2018, 22:59
van ordinaire wrote: 27 Nov 2018, 22:53 Briefly returning to Stonehenge (well, I will be on Friday) what's always intrigued me, almost as much as how the stones were got to the site, is how the builders knew where they could get them.



No, no... It was Wickes... They had a special offer on Sarsens that year...

Van, all you ever need to know about any aspect of a Xantia is all within these forums... There's still a good few of us knocking around that still know them inside-out even if we no longer run them...

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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More hassle with insurance this afternoon, after I'd thought it was all sorted - bar paying for it! Best quotes were from "esure" £400 via, another £30-odd via moneysupermarket. (contrary to what I believed, even more than the C15, I've just discovered). Back to to do the business,only to find their website's changed & there's no link to the company - or, indeed, any contact details. Useless! Won't be bothering with them again. Did a search, got on to esure's site, went through the whole process again - £461! Back to moneysupermarket, straight back to my quote & direct from there to actually buying the cover; cost aside, all quite painless. One problem was positively identifying the vehicle, beyond it being a fairly high spec diesel Xantia estate. Funny thing is, I'm still not much wiser, but, I'm getting ahead of myself.
An hour or so after all that stressful slaving over a hot keyboard, I'm out of the fun factory, to make my way on an unpleasant London November evening, via previously unexplored parts of the great Metrollops' disintegrated public transport system to Albert Square in East London (yes, really!).
Not exactly a wonderful journey but nice welcome when I got there, freshly made coffee, general chat about choses Citroen (seems we were both at the 2CV World Meeting in the Czech Republic) &, suddenly I am the owner of said Xantia! Driving back wasn't much fun, no fault of the car's but the plug for my SatNav failed, so was dependant on vendor's diections to the A12 - the main road between our respective parts of London, visibility was poor, fair amount of traffic, poor signage, no idea about any ancillary controls - although the C15 meant at least I could manage the wipers & indicators.
Anyway, made it back without incident & managed to resist parking behind the C15 - just how would anyone on this forum who happened to be driving down my road cope with that? Still don't really know what I've got though, there are no badges, other than "Xantia" on the tailgate AND that's all it says in the V5C, which also gives the engine size as 2088cc, whereas I thought it was a 2 litre. Unfortunately, the last 8 pages of the handbook, including the last page of general info on the diesel estate AND 174 - "vehicle identification" are missing. It's got heated leather seats, a sunroof, foglights, a/c & 15" allys with 205/60's. Seems I've got a 2.1 turbo D, which a look under the bonnet, in daylight, with the handbook open at the appropriate page in one hand should confirm but can anyone identify which trim package/sub-model I've got?
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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That will almost certainly be a VSX (if it is an S1) or an Exclusive (if it is an S2). Pop up the VIN, and someone here will confirm.
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Va, I still have a Xantia handbook or three knocking about... When we know if it's a S1 or S2 you can have one...

You have a 2.1TD... The very best... I know, I used to have one :D

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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So, 1st things 1st - the magical returning key: couldn't find the C15's key after dragging g/son's dead BMW back to the homestead, whenever that was, fortunately had a spare, purchased in Paris at great expense (well, I thought €8 was a lot - for a very ordinary key!) &, truth to tell, was more disappointed that I might've lost the original supplier's fob, but thought it'd probably just turn up again. Yesterday morning went to get key (to retrieve SatNav, to take with me to collect the Xantia - yes, yes, will return to that, all in good time) from the drawer in which they live and - low & behold there was that now familiar main dealer's (cheap plastic) fob; so it'd been there all the time!
Took the C15 shopping this evening: so much easier to unlock with original, worn key - & was amazed how much easier.quicker the screen demisted (remember, being what it is, has no operating heater fan) since I cleaned it.
OK, back to the Xantia: the exhaust isn't blowing but rattles, particularly as the engine's turned off & seems to come from the back which suggests it's a mounting (someting was cobbled up as a roadside repair by an AA man); weather permitting I'll have a look at that over the weekend. Seems like it might only need one front tyre - & even that might scrape through the MoT as a "minor fault" (isn't that what "advisories" are called now?). However, I now believe the front suspension might need some work; I suppose I should've pressed a bit harder for a price reduction on basis of undisclosed fault - but it'seasy to be wise after the event!
I now realise I'd never mentioned it's age: it's a VERY late '98, 1st registered in Jan '99 &, yes, it's an "Exclusive" - saw it for the 1st time in something approaching lit conditions - & under cover - so was able to pick out the ID on the front doors. So it IS a 2.1 TD! Not content with having run my 1st diesel for, amazingly, 3 1/2 years now, without really learning anything, now I've got a turbo - then again, I'm not exactly knowledgeable about DOHC, transverse V8's with variable valve timing either. Fools rush in & all that . . .
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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A very nice specification for a Xantia! It will have the 8 sphere hydractive II suspension (but not the later improved electrovalves). If the bodywork is half decent, that one should be a keeper.
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Van, if you can determine if it's an S1 or S2 (I guess an S2), I'll see if I can dig you out a handbook...

As Mike says, a VERY desirable Xantia :D

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