Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by CitroJim »

Comma 75W/80 is fine Van. I've used it in PSA gearboxes in the past without any issues whatsoever - in fact I've used lots of Comma products with satisfaction..

I believe that at one time Halfords own-brand oils were made by Comma...

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by van ordinaire »

Just came in from re-adjusting the clutch; seems OK - odd thing is it only needed about 1 turn of the nut whereas originally it must've taken a good 1/4" of thread just to get the pedal level with the brake (which it hadn't been since the pedal box was replaced). Anyway that should do for the limited use it'll get get for the next couple of weeks AND, hopefully, get me down to Devon again at Easter. [-o<

I'll check for debris in the bellhousing but I'm more or less resigned to a new clutch - it's just a matter of when.

I learned very early on that a clutch isn't necessary, it just makes life easier. As a callow youth in my 1st car, the clutch went as I was waiting to turn right out of Regent Street, into Gt Marlborough St: anyone with some knowledge of Central London will understand how interesting that would've been :wink: - & then I had to get the car back to Harrow :) :lol:

Don't think I've ever taken the van on Dartmoor (I have driven across it in the 2CV though) that's what the Cherokee's for - especially when those roads you describe are snowbound, flooded or, on one memorable occasion, about 4" deep in running water!

As for the other matter, no worries, it'll work out - or it won't, as the case may be. :-D

No problem with Comma products, used them myself for years but, although my local factors (i.e. in Paignton) have it in 5 litres (a) it's more expensive than Nielsen's AND (b) the part No: ends "5L". There's another factors opposite Mole Valley Farmers in Bovey Tracy, so I'll see what they've got - especially if I have put the wrong oil in the 'box :oops: Oh, & you'll like this Jim, one of the sites I looked at offered a QH clutch - wasn't cheap either :shock:
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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Valeo clutches are good (and OE), and heavily discounted at motor factors.
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by Zelandeth »

Just a quick note on the GL4/5 discussion, which I'm not sure whether is relevant to PSA boxes, but going to mention it just in case.

The higher additive (sulphur I believe) in *some* GL5 oils means that they aren't safe for use in gearboxes containing any yellow metal (bronze, brass etc) parts as it will attack them. As such, I work on a strict basis of using only proper GL4 oil (not GL4/5 compatible oils, some state they are suitable for either) unless your manual states clearly that GL5 is okay. It's not the lubrication properties that are the issue, rather the chemical makeup.

I know this is important for me as the Lada boxes have quite a few brass bits in.

Proper GL4 is still available from decent motor factors it seems (Motorserv surprised me by having it in stock a couple of weeks back, along with proper DOT3 brake fluid), so there's really no reason to take the chance I reckon.

...Reminded me that I really need to change the (original I believe!) gearbox oil in the Lada, and no doubt top up the steering box again. ...Probably spilling it all over the exhaust manifold again so I can stink out the whole neighbourhood when I next start it...
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by CitroJim »

Zelandeth wrote: The higher additive (sulphur I believe) in *some* GL5 oils means that they aren't safe for use in gearboxes containing any yellow metal (bronze, brass etc) parts as it will attack them.
Yes, that is very relevant Zel, especially in the case of the BE3 'box..

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by mickeymoon »

GSF sell a 75W/80 that states it's ok for PSA cars. My Berlingo runs it.. buy it on one of their 50% off weekends and it's pretty cheap.

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

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If you can make any sense of the GSF site when looking for manual transmission oil/gear oil, you're doing a better job than me. What a pig's ear of a site!
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by CitroJim »

white exec wrote:If you can make any sense of the GSF site when looking for manual transmission oil/gear oil, you're doing a better job than me. What a pig's ear of a site!
I've only ever used it for for common service items...

For that, given it recognises the registration number you give it, seems OK...

Many web commerce sites seem to be going very much for style over function and suffer both in terms of speed and usability in exchange for a lot of pointless 'bling'...

I guess their market research has shown this appeals to the masses and brings to punters flocking in...

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Re: RE: Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by mickeymoon »

white exec wrote:If you can make any sense of the GSF site when looking for manual transmission oil/gear oil, you're doing a better job than me. What a pig's ear of a site!
I don't know what you're looking at but it took me all of 10 seconds to find it!
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by Zelandeth »

It works so long as it recognises your reg number - if it comes back with the wrong car (Gabriel comes back as a 1.1 Saxo on that and a number of sites), there really is little in the way of ability to browse normally.
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by white exec »

Zelandeth wrote:. . . there really is little in the way of ability to browse normally.
That's what I found. Impossible to look for a stocked product without Reg.No. 8-[

Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by mickeymoon »

Honestly? I've just looked for the oil again to check my own sanity.

Open page.
Haven't put my reg in
Click on oils
Other oils

Gearbox oil is in the list.

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by RichardW »

Ignoring whether GSF are good or not...

Change the oil and see where that gets you - if it's OK,and the clutch doesn't go out of adjustment again then you are OK for the time being. I would avoid driving anything with a BE3 box clutchless - the 3rd synchro is not very robust, and can easily be damaged....
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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by CitroJim »

Zelandeth wrote:Gabriel comes back as a 1.1 Saxo on that and a number of sites
Not seen that Zel, GSF brings her up as a 1.9TD Xantia - just checked :)

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Re: Travels & travails with a C15 (& other vehicles)

Unread post by Zelandeth »

I think a lot have updated the databases "recently" as it was most common an issue shortly after I picked the car up, seemed to be random as to whether it was a problem.

My theory was that there are several data sources out there and one probably has one digit wrong in the reg or something daft like that.
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