Forum change

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Re: Forum change

Unread post by superloopy »

You speak sense Simon. I still see no good reason for this so-called reorganisation other than it is supposed to make things easier to find (sic). Baby and bathwater springs to my mind. But then ... I also disagreed with the introduction of a 'Like' button. So go on ... call me a luddite everyone but i dont see this or any previously implemented ideas being a step forward. Unfortunate but there's Tapatalk if anyone is equally as disappointed as I am in the direction the forum is being driven.

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Last edited by superloopy on 24 Feb 2017, 12:55, edited 2 times in total.

Xantia Activa Dante Red MK1 (96) 121k - SORN, to be broken
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I would ask members to please tone it down a little and not to get personal, it doesn't really contribute anything.
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by superloopy »


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Xantia Activa Dante Red MK1 (96) 121k - SORN, to be broken
Xantia Activa Silex Grey MK2 (98) 120k -SORN, ditto
Xantia V6 Silex Grey MK2 (98) 95k - non-runner
Xantia TD Storm Grey MK1 (95) 95k - non-runner
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

xantiamanic wrote:Personal?
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I was just making a general comment (hence not quoting anyone in particular), as there were a few heated exchanges between some members.
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I'm also moving this topic to Blogs and Galleries (in the members only section) as I don't think some of the content is appropriate for the public forums.
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by civvie »

Oh dear I seem to upset some people yesterday with my comment, I really didn't mean any offence, if I did offend then I am sorry. Maybe my comment was not very helpful, in light of the Mods trying new thing for the forum. I have total respect for "management".
I still stand by my idea that posts could be missed by knowledgeable people because they don't look in that particular section.
If it makes you feel any better God got his own back on me yesterday ( he must own a Citroen) lost 3 fence panels in the storm and I've got to replace the posts.

C5 2.2hdi auto until I sell it (sold it) now have Peugeot 3008 1.6HDI (Now sold)
Had the jab a couple of days ago. Feb 21
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Steve, I appreciate your comments, and I do hope you didn't suffer too much damage in the storm. :wink:
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by 411514 »

The focus on the layout of the forum appealing to 'new members' does appear something of a red herring. Surely the purpose of the forum is for forum users, and I would suggest that the consensus of this post is that on balance forum users do not consider the changes an improvement. Also, the constant moving of new posts into different categories is getting extremely frustrating, and would appear to be the work of an over-zealous moderator. This smacks a little of an individual having a bright idea and following through with that idea without regard for its merit. I have been active on a number of forums in the past that have gone downhill when the politics of moderators have become overbearing, and it would be a shame for this forum to go the same way.

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Re: Forum change

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Forum users include non-members too and the focus is very much on the accessibility of information for ALL.
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by Paul-R »


Should the focus of the forum be directed towards newcomers and non-members to the detriment of the regular users?

As I get older I think a lot about the hereafter - I go into a room and then wonder what I'm here after.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.

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Re: Forum change

Unread post by Paul-R »

And it took me quite while to find this thread as it's in an area I've not been to before. Could a redirect not have been put in?
As I get older I think a lot about the hereafter - I go into a room and then wonder what I'm here after.

Inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell happened.

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Re: Forum change

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Paul-R wrote:And it took me quite while to find this thread as it's in an area I've not been to before. Could a redirect not have been put in?
Yes, I should of Paul - this has now been done.
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by 411514 »

Forum users include non-members too and the focus is very much on the accessibility of information for ALL.
I guess that the question is should the focus be on 'the accessibility of information for all'. I suggest that regular forum users, even those like myself who are not necessarily regular posters but often silent observers, do not use the forum to 'access information' rather to discussFrench cars, their problems, and to help others where possible. I suggest then that the focus should be on organising the forum to best facilitate those discussions, and in my opinion, the new categorisation, and relentless moving of posts, does nothing but interrupt those discussions. 'Accessibility' sounds suspiciously like some public sector junior management buzzword that is spouted with little meaning.
Last edited by GiveMeABreak on 24 Feb 2017, 17:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forum change

Unread post by 411514 »


I note that you have edited by above post and sent me a 'board warning' message. This would appear to be exactly the sort of over-moderation that I mentioned in an earlier post has blighted certain other forums.

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Re: Forum change

Unread post by white exec »

This doesn't feel good.
I think we should take a couple of steps back and a few deep breaths!

The best changes to a community (which we are) happen when ideas floated, discussed, knocked about, tried, views sought, a bit more testing, and then something finally gets put in place.

It's what we did with the Club stickers, and look how well (and peacefully) that change turned out. I think most of us were not only well pleased with the result, but how we got there. The recent changes to Forum structure don't seem to have run along the same lines, which is a pity . . . . but not irretrievable.

This is a terrific Forum, with a great atmosphere, which is what drew me to it in the first place.