Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia, pug 206HDi, Daniel's 206 Verve 1.4i, GTi180 plus XUD9TE 206!!

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Well, I've just come in from the rack gaiter job. Not because it's finished, but unfortunately because it got dark and I was close to throwing things anyway so thought it best to stop!

What an absolute fiddlef**k of a job lol, it started off so well with everything coming undone nice and easily, the old gaiter was tough as the proverbial and took a while to slice/tear off & then the fitting of the new gaiter... Wow, it's a tight squeeze! I'm thinking tomorrow I may try and start again using a cut up 500ml cola bottle as a cone, kind of like fitting stretchy CV boots. There's got to be a better way than just covering the threads on the ram stud and trying to work the thing over that and the inner ball joint, have I missed something and the stud comes off with the track rod or is the cone idea along the right lines?

Yuck :twisted: at least they seem to last 20+ years once fitted, it's the original that came off.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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I do recall this being a bit of a performance when I replaced the trackrods on the C15 but, all I can remember now is that I did the job in the shed, (so must have assembled the gaiter on the rod then, perhaps with the gaiter insideout, screwed the rod onto the rack, then pulled the gaiter into place & replaced the trackrod end) & doing the 2nd one I used a tool fashioned from the old rod by sharpening it (as one would a pencil) using a grindstone.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by RichardW »

What gaiter are you trying to fit? If it's an OE spec 'hard' one then you will never get it over the stud - the official way is to remove the rack; strip it; fit the gaiter from the other end, then reassemble it!! It you've got a stretchier aftermarket market one, there's a chance of getting it over apparently - some have used a tea spoon to ease it over the stud. You may also find it easier if you heat it up somehow (hairdryer??).
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Yes it is a stretchy(ish!) one, and there's no way I'm stripping the rack lol :o no wonder they made them so tough if that's the official word on it.

The teaspoon idea sounds like it could work if my cone method doesn't prevail. Failing that I may just lumber the garage with the task (after explaining the bolts are all nice and free, so it'll be a doddle. Haha). At least they should have something to make the job easier.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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Dan, fingers crossed it'll be OK today... [-o<

So often a job that seems to get more an more impossible and bloody frustrating as a day wears on is magically as easy as pie the next...

I really hope this is the case with your rack boot...

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Well it sadly didn't go quite as planned nor hoped, I barely touched the new boot this morning and the ram stud popped through the side of it :(

Oh well, will see if the garage want an arm & a leg for the job before I make another attempt & in the meantime try and work out a way to make the Silver HDi car seem like as great an idea to The Boss as it does to me...
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

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Dan, fingers crossed on both counts!

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Oops, sensible better half has put paid to any plans for further Xantiae & I can see her reasoning to be fair. We have the 2 S1's that I want to keep, the 206 which is a keeper on the basis of being so solid and well looked after and if the Mi16 goes ahead then I'll have to move the Escort on pretty sharpish to accommodate that so quite right I'd be silly to take on another Xant, much as I'd like to. :(

Went up to see if anyone had been round the house where the 405 is earlier, no sign of life & my note is still stuck on the front door. Did have a cheeky mess with a key I found in the centre console though and the ignition barrel turned after a fashion/steering unlocked so there is a key at least even if there is no driver's window! Half tempted to get the VIN number and apply for the V5 just to see if there's any objection in case it's not registered at that address.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Not much to update on what with the weather and all, however we did get a text message earlier from a man named Rod, who has found my note about the 405 and says he will pass the message on to his parents. Fingers that tightly crossed, they're beginning to resemble a barber's pole!
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by CitroJim »

ekjdm14 wrote: 07 Mar 2018, 17:23Fingers that tightly crossed, they're beginning to resemble a barber's pole!


All I can say is let's hope the rescue is a success [-o<

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

No news on the 405 as yet, might give the fella a ring tomorrow and see what he says. Otherwise though, the 206 has thrown a wobbler the last few days with a permanent antipollution fault message/engine light and limp home engaged. Just given it a talking to with PP2000 and the results are "preheater relay circuit - plugs permanently supplied". Posted thread about it here too viewtopic.php?f=4&p=569607#p569607

I feel a spare head purchase coming on :?
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by Pug_XUD_KeenAmateur »

ekjdm14 wrote: 24 Feb 2018, 19:43 .... [Steering Rack Gaiter] there's got to be a better way than just covering the threads on the ram stud and trying to work the thing over that and the inner ball joint, have I missed something and the stud comes off with the track rod or is the cone idea along the right lines?
You were along the right lines, but there is a 'better way' , an Orangina bottle, see my previous post here*. Possibly a bit late for this partic job, but of relevance for anyone else attempting it.

* only the bottom-most of those links works now, for the whole album.
Use this one instead https://scontent-lht6-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/ ... e=5B34267F

I've really gotta start checking the 'Notify me when a Reply is Posted' box.... as I keep 'missing' people's posts
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Ah, now that makes sense. Yes bit late possibly, but will have to see what our favoured MoT garage have to say on the matter.

It was that much of a frustration the first time round when I tore the new gaiter, that I've pretty much decided that if the garage will take the job they can have it & if they want to charge £50 for the privilege they'll earn it IMO!
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by Pug_XUD_KeenAmateur »

if they've got any tips on how to get the spring wire back in, to hold the rubber sleeve on (of the Inner Tie Rod), I'll be all ears :)

...that's a very interesting point you make about it, unlike most Gaiters, not containing Grease re MOT fail or not, btw.
Steering Rack NS Gaiter 0076.JPG
Inner Tie Rod 2088.JPG
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black & White Xantiae... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Looks like it'd be a lot easier a job with the tie rod removed, maybe that's where I was going wrong. Then again, not sure how to go about removing said tie rod & don't fancy disturbing the sleeve on the inner joint either. Will let you know what happens at the garage.

I was hoping to get it booked in this week but not sure how money's going to play out on that one, if I do though the results will be here shortly after good or bad!
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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