Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia, pug 206HDi, Daniel's 206 Verve 1.4i, GTi180 plus XUD9TE 206!!

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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CitroJim wrote:
RichardW wrote:I've got a PIN now, but no card yet....!

Getting there then ;) That's normal that PINs are despatched at different times for security reasons...

Yes, but you don't usually get a new PIN with a new card. :?
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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ekjdm14 wrote:Glad to hear it, would hate to think the forum were struggling financially as well as with the current TT divide that's going on...

Not much to report on the Xantia front except for a trip to the beach on Friday evening, a darn good wash & wax Saturday evening and a trip to Smallwood vintage rally on Sunday (albeit sadly parked amongst the general modern stuff in the public car park). Got some new registration plates made up while we were there. Not strictly legal with the Euro stars & French 'F' at one end and the lettering in Irish font as that looks closer to French IMO. Will look tidier than whats on there though.

Surprised Irish font was available - but why not go the whole hog & have French font?

I was thinking of trying to get a front plate made in France, so it actually fits in the recess in the front bumper - but then I'd lose the repro. original dealers' plate.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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elma wrote:Might be worth swapping to legal spacing Jim.
The fine is potentially big and the DVLA can recall the plate if you get a fine.
It's worst cased but I think I'd get some nice legal ones and use the current naughty ones at shows etc.

I wouldn't bother (but then I almost make a point of not having strictly legal plates, but all so very subtle!), it would be a very bored plod indeed who took exception to a plate that made no attempt to alter how it read. Also it's a very difficult offence to prove in court as the officer concerned is unlikely to be able to say either what the spacing was or what it was supposed to be.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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ekjdm14 wrote:Wow, can't believe it... All being well there should be a tidy but smoking white SX taking pride of place next to the black beauty in a couple of days....

Excellent! Well bought indeed Dan :D

Delighted it has gone to such a fine home ;)
elma wrote:Might be worth swapping to legal spacing Jim.
The fine is potentially big and the DVLA can recall the plate if you get a fine.
Gosh! That penalty is a bit harsh!!!
van ordinaire wrote:it would be a very bored plod indeed who took exception to a plate that made no attempt to alter how it read.
Agreed! But some Plod are... And can be very pedantic...

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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They're the ones I always meet, personally I don't give them the slightest thing to give me grief over. Been through court twice now with the dvla and although clearly innocent both times were drawn out and stressful.
So far Hampshire constabulary haven't bothered me at all but I'm still quite weary of traffic police. In wales I got stopped, searched, braethalised and drug tested very frequently. Their record for stopping me is 12 times in 24hours, enough to make even the calmest person paranoid.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Wow, that's a lot of police time devoted to one person! I've heard of people successfully complaining about harassment for less than you've endured...

As far as French font, it wasn't available at the stall I got the plates from or I would've done just that. In fact I'm finding it difficult to locate any places that do much more than German font for th VAG/BMW crowd so might end up just doing as per van & getting plates made up by a French company.

I wouldn't normally go to this much trouble but this Xantia is the first truly nice condition French car I've had the privilege to own and it deserves them. It's a nice feeling to "worry" if the white one could be even tidier...
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Right, so... Assuming all goes well I can stop my positive-minded worrying in a couple of hours and maybe even manage to post some pics of black & white parked next to one another. :)

I'm not really one to give names to cars, so Black & White will likely be as personal as their monochromatic monikers get, but I suppose they could collectively be known as "the minstrels" political correctness aside! :D

How is it that a grown man can be so excited for the arrival of a 20 year old car with engine problems? I dare say I wouldn't be so on edge were it not an HPN Citroen...
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: RE: Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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ekjdm14 wrote:Right, so... Assuming all goes well I can stop my positive-minded worrying in a couple of hours and maybe even manage to post some pics of black & white parked next to one another. :)

I'm not really one to give names to cars, so Black & White will likely be as personal as their monochromatic monikers get, but I suppose they could collectively be known as "the minstrels" political correctness aside! :D

How is it that a grown man can be so excited for the arrival of a 20 year old car with engine problems? I dare say I wouldn't be so on edge were it not an HPN Citroen...
Are you sure that calling one black and the other white wont upset the politically correct brigade [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Perhaps, but I think minstrels would be cutting closer to the bone lol, fortunately we live in an area where the schools still have blackboards and whiteboards as opposed to a bit further south where I believe they're forced (presumably by over sensitive native English folks who are so scared to offend anyone that their PC squirming is actually offensive to witness!) to write upon chalkboards and marker boards :?
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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I'd call them yin and yang.

It's not weird to name Xantias, I've had 9-10 of them and I named 3 of them.
No other vehicle that I've owned has ever been named.

My Gold one was called Bling.
My red and green ones were Red and Green.
I didn't really name them as such but I got fed up of typing the red one and the green one so just referred to them as red and green on here. Somehow that made it into real life as well.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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The only car I've really ever had a name for, and one I use all the time, is Gabriel and that's because she came to me with that name...

The Activa has always just been 'The Activa' and the Pug - well, I have a love/hate relationship with that one... Hence the name...

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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I think every Activa is The Activa to its owner. Mine certainly will be.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Obviously my Berlingo is called Bertie, I had Kev's old Xantia called RUNN (it's numberplate), my TD Xantia estate got named Claude, my Fiat Punto was called Tony, we had a Commer Camper when I was in my teens called Ethel. One of my XMs was called Xavier, and my last Saab 900 was called Agnetha.

My wife is still with me, for some unknown reason.

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Michel wrote: My wife is still with me, for some unknown reason

She obviously knows only the best people love Citroens :)

It does help immensely having a very understanding better half too though, and in my case one who likes leather seats as much as I do!

Black & White are now sat outside having a chit chat and comparing accumulators lol. First impressions are that White has perhaps only a duff injector or very dead GP but I'm not ruling out anything more serious just yet.

BoL suggests only one type of Bosch injector used, being a blue marked 175bar item. Is this correct or is there a difference between NA and TD injectors? If the book is not indeed lying then i happen to have a set of good injectors from the dead engine.

Even if they are different there's always the scrapyard TD break to pillage I suppose.

Other than the smoke and misfire at idle, the car is in reasonably good shape for an old girl, not led quite such an easy life as Black but the signs are there (including a stack of main agent & specialist history and a boot full of spares including a tow bar) of a well loved and cared for car that has the potential to come back to really tidy condition with a little TLC. Even the door jambs are solid and ought to tidy right up without welding at all.

Photos will have to be tomorrow as it seemed to get dark awfully fast while I played round & looked through the extras. All in all though, well worth £150 of anybody's money and may well stay on as our tow car if we do get a caravan. (Thoughts of attending a meet or two with both cars floating around my head now haha!)
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

Unread post by van ordinaire »

ekjdm14 wrote:How is it that a grown man can be so excited for the arrival of a 20 year old car with engine problems? I dare say I wouldn't be so on edge were it not an HPN Citroen...

It's people who can get excited about the arrival of a new car that I can't understand. :?
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