Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia, pug 206HDi, Daniel's 206 Verve 1.4i, GTi180 plus XUD9TE 206!!

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Well that is true, it may not be all that bad if we found the right policy. I was pleasantly surprised at the £20/month quote on the actual car plus an LPG fitment (although that was I think limited to 4k/year too).

Realistically it'll be a while before I can do anything about trying to rescue it, but it's logged in my memory bank now just like the white Xantia down the road & the Rover 213 a few miles away ;)

Meanwhile there's the black Xantia to prepare for this coming weekend & a few days in Scotland, meaning I want to make sure all is well on the cambelt front & do further gearbox oil & engine oil changes. Oh, and sort some wiring for a trailer board as the bike carrier will obscure the rear lights. Go away rain! :-D
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Enjoy Scotland Dan!

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Thanks Jim, will be a welcome change of scenery, I just hope the weather is better than it has been here of late! Managed a couple of small jobs on the Xantia earlier, tightened the drivebelt as it has stretched a little since fitting & pulled the steering wheel back off to sort out the instrument panel.

More evidence of a "specialist" of sorts having been here before, from the look of the bulbs I removed they have been changed in the not too distant past & I believe that's when the damage to the panel occurred (also the lug on the right end of the switch panel, under the volumetric alarm button, was ripped out. I suppose it's telling of the level of expertise that was lavished upon the car that they had failed to change the heater panel bulbs, although I count that as a blessing that they haven't been ripping trim apart there too.

Still, it was a worthwhile task as there were still 4 blown bulbs & I now know it has Ring bulbs fitted so ought to last a while. Still have to do the gear selector bulb & heater panel when I get bulbs (both were dead in the "practise" panel too, removal technique now down to a tee though :D )

Trusting that the weather will allow me, the cambelt & oil/filters are on tomorrow's list along with adjusting the sunroof glass height as it's slightly high at the front and could be quieter.

Oh, and as I mentioned the volumetric protection button earlier, I do want to locate/repair the alarm sounder too as the rest of the system works as it should, only time the LED has told me of a triggering event is when I've left a window or sunroof open a bit so it'd be useful to have the siren working IMO (tried the key switch both ways but not a peep from it)
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Where are you going in Scotland ?

I've just came back from Golspie,up there to fish on the Helmsdale but it was to sunny to fish during the day.

had a beautiful week of weather and on our return to Auld Reekie (Edinburgh) the temp had dropped by 2 to 3 degrees and the east wind was blowing.
My cousin came up from London and it was warmer in Edinburgh for his stay!!!!!!!!

Certainly funny weather we are having

C5 x7 2.0 HDi 160 hp Estate exclusive, moved on.
Xantia 2.0 Hdi 90hp 1999 only 189,000 and rising!!!!!!! Moved on to a new home
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Xantia TD 1.9 Mk 2 Estate LX 1998 model over 210,000 miles now and still rising!!!!!!!!!!!!! now deceased 17/12/2010.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Ah, we're the other side, near Southerness I believe. Hope the weather bucks it's ideas up as it's been raining the last few days here. Don't know if there's any other forum members up that way but would be nice if we could get some pics of the Xantia with other interesting French metal if anyone's nearby over the weekend?
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Cambelt changed, happy to have a Gates on there now in preparation for the long drive at the weekend. Rain came back again before I could replace the TDC sensor or change any oil but these are the only other bits I feel I really must do before we set off, the rest of the jobs on the car relate to making the sunroof work properly (plan to get a whole parts cassette from the scrapyard for that), sorting the left door jamb before it gets into the structure, rustproofing/sealing both jambs properly and little cosmetic bits and bobs like doing something with the alloy trim strips on doors/bumpers.

Other than that she's a gooden & a very nice drive indeed :) Glad we saved her, definitely.

Oh, if Jim or anyone could be so kind as to confirm the type of bulb needed for the heater panel that would be brilliant. The closest guesstimate is 286T but even then i fear the holders could be too deep for the Xantia heater panel...
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Enjoy another nice part of the country.
This is near where my father's side of the family come, a place called Parton about 10 miles North of Castle Douglas.

C5 x7 2.0 HDi 160 hp Estate exclusive, moved on.
Xantia 2.0 Hdi 90hp 1999 only 189,000 and rising!!!!!!! Moved on to a new home
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Xantia TD 1.9 Mk 2 Estate LX 1998 model over 210,000 miles now and still rising!!!!!!!!!!!!! now deceased 17/12/2010.
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

Unread post by CitroJim »

Good work on doing the cambelt Dan :) Did you do the water pump too? Always advisable unless you know it's young...
ekjdm14 wrote: Oh, if Jim or anyone could be so kind as to confirm the type of bulb needed for the heater panel that would be brilliant.

1.2 Watts of brilliance Dan!!!

These are the bad boys you need...

Part Number: R509TMBK 1.2W 12v

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Water pump I've been a bit naughty with, and used the good one with the 95 date code. Whether it has actually been in use for 97k/22years is debatable as it felt/feels like one out of a box in terms of smoothness and slight resistance from the seal plus it looked like new internally when fitted last month. Whether this comes back to bite me in the rear though, time will tell! (I wouldn't have done this if there had been any hint of wear evident, or indeed if i had the extra cash at the time to throw the way of a genuine new pump)

Also need a pressure cap as i heard it fizzling a bit while i was changing the oils & sorting the TDC sensor yesterday evening, but it's not got hot enough to lose anything yet. Fan kicks in at about 85c so never close to boiling.

Got the long journey kit sorted ready, tow rope, jump leads, light, bulbs, footpump, jack/wheelbrace/spare and release screw checked & good, box with engine & gearbox oil/gearbox funnel/water/screenwash and a few tools. Not that i don't trust the car, i just like to be prepared & maybe help someone not so lucky too ;)

Thanks for the link on the bulbs that's great (even more so than the pun on brilliance :rofl2: )
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Fingers crossed on the water pump Dan. I learned the hard way.. First XUD belt I ever did, I didn't do the water pump and two weeks later...

Always swapped the pump since, regardless of how it looks... Just my paranoia more than anything...

Mind you, if it looks good and feels good then likely it is good ;)

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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Yes I'm very aware that it's a risk, but it felt and looked box fresh when I swapped engines and still did on inspection. If I find myself with a cheap genuine pump and time on my hands it'll be done for peace of mind though even if it doesn't bite my backside, after all it's not a tough job on the NA. Nicest cam belt job I've done in quite a few cars actually. Best I think was a fiat Tipo with a 1.4 FIRE unit, that was super easy!
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

Unread post by CitroJim »

Dan, did you see Old-Guy has a VSX Instrument Cluster for sale? That would give you your oil temperature gauge ;)

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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

CitroJim wrote:Dan, did you see Old-Guy has a VSX Instrument Cluster for sale? That would give you your oil temperature gauge ;)

That I had not noticed Jim, thanks. Skint as a skint thing at the moment with all funds diverted to this weekend but if still available Tuesday it may find its way into our car :) cheers.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

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If I had an Mi engined anything I'd want - have - to drive it every day :-D

Have to say an Mi16 estate is hugely appealing!
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Re: Tales from beyond the grave AKA Dan & Emma's Black Xantia D-auto... & a 206

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

van ordinaire wrote:If I had an Mi engined anything I'd want - have - to drive it every day :-D

Have to say an Mi16 estate is hugely appealing!

In either a metallic gunmetal gray kind of colour or the kind of green the 309 Goodwood came in, with Anthracite/gunmetal GTi wheels... Hmm, now I'm dreaming more than is healthy!
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD, White, 87k
'09 407SW 2.0HDi, Black, 120k