Thanks Jim, will be a welcome change of scenery, I just hope the weather is better than it has been here of late! Managed a couple of small jobs on the Xantia earlier, tightened the drivebelt as it has stretched a little since fitting & pulled the steering wheel back off to sort out the instrument panel.
More evidence of a "specialist" of sorts having been here before, from the look of the bulbs I removed they have been changed in the not too distant past & I believe that's when the damage to the panel occurred (also the lug on the right end of the switch panel, under the volumetric alarm button, was ripped out. I suppose it's telling of the level of expertise that was lavished upon the car that they had failed to change the heater panel bulbs, although I count that as a blessing that they haven't been ripping trim apart there too.
Still, it was a worthwhile task as there were still 4 blown bulbs & I now know it has Ring bulbs fitted so ought to last a while. Still have to do the gear selector bulb & heater panel when I get bulbs (both were dead in the "practise" panel too, removal technique now down to a tee though

Trusting that the weather will allow me, the cambelt & oil/filters are on tomorrow's list along with adjusting the sunroof glass height as it's slightly high at the front and could be quieter.
Oh, and as I mentioned the volumetric protection button earlier, I do want to locate/repair the alarm sounder too as the rest of the system works as it should, only time the LED has told me of a triggering event is when I've left a window or sunroof open a bit so it'd be useful to have the siren working IMO (tried the key switch both ways but not a peep from it)