Pug_XUD_KeenAmateur wrote:I note there's one beside the 405 saloon in my local scrappy. Haven't lifted the bonnet on it, lemme know if you can source one easily or whether to look next time I'm there. Reading this thread from a couple of pages prior to here having not visited it in a....gesekjdm14 wrote:just have to nick another Escort CVH mount from the scrappy
Yes there are a couple of Mk5 Escorts in our favourite local yard, thanks though

In other news, the cut/joined bottom hose failed to stem the flow of water from the Xantia (I'm thinking the actual plastic has cracked now, given the volume of leakage but I'm too tired & sore to go under and check again.)
That said, it was holding enough wet stuff in there for long enough that we've just completed our first drive round the block. Gearbox seems fine, nice and smooth changes but WOW the back spheres are absolutely flat. How it was driven like that and not stuffed in a hedge I have no idea, there is literally no movement at all just the flex of the tyres!

Fortunately the fronts are fine though, but surely 2 spheres can't go flat/rupture in the space of a year? In which case I really have to wonder about the Citroen "specialist" the owner before last used.
So the list prior to MoT is-:
Fix water leak & fill with coolant
recheck all bolts/wiring
replace front discs/pads
replace rear spheres
repair drivers seat height adjuster
maybe change wiper blades
good check over and clean.
Also I will need to either adapt the pump to take the kickdown cable or swap pumps to the original one, seal the headlamps, secure the column switchgear/cases properly, give it a good wash & polish, respray the lower part of the tailgate and possibly fix the sunroof. Happy now I've had a quick "play" in it though...