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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by Harlequin »

Then off for some `sedate` NA auto ownership!

Really glad this is coming together!
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by CitroJim »

ekjdm14 wrote: As an aside, total green goop drained from gearbox/TC is 5 litres (plus a few hundred ml spilled)!

That's a good drain :)

Hope not too sore today [-o<

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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Not too sore luckily thanks Jim although I may not get much done today owing to the weather looking a bit threatening. We'll see, the urge to play in a proper Citroen may override the desire to stay dry :)
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by CitroJim »

ekjdm14 wrote:We'll see, the urge to play in a proper Citroen may override the desire to stay dry :)

I know and understand exactly ;) I have the same feelings about going running and going cycling...

I'm just steeling myself to start on Gabriel's clutch and heater matrix...

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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by KennyW »

Well done, I've 'watched' the thread with great interest.

Jim, It seems you're stripping the xantia apart doing the clutch and the heating matrix. I hope the bleeding valves don't give any problems.

C5 x7 2.0 HDi 160 hp Estate exclusive, moved on.
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by CitroJim »

KennyW wrote: Jim, It seems you're stripping the xantia apart doing the clutch and the heating matrix. I hope the bleeding valves don't give any problems.

Me too Kenny but to be honest it's the matrix connector elbow that worries me most. It's a bit of a devil to get at in a 1.9TD and I plan to take the turbo pipes off to give more access so it's ideal to do it whilst the clutch is being done as the engine will be loose and easily pulled forward to get at the turbo hoses... I hope [-o<

I'm with you on the quality and enjoyment of this thread... I'm on the edge of my seat. Best thread since the epic Renault 6TL rebuild :)

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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Ooh nice, I call the clutch as the first job to do. That way there's the anticipation of driving with a lovely light clutch to keep you going through the fun of changing the matrix.

And cheers Kenny, it's been a journey this engine business but I'm hopeful we may be close to the fun part now of shakedown and driving the old girl. One thing at least, there's not much on the bodywork front to fettle and it'll make a really nice example, ought to be well worth the effort.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

CitroJim wrote: I'm with you on the quality and enjoyment of this thread... I'm on the edge of my seat. Best thread since the epic Renault 6TL rebuild :)

Oh Jim, now I'm blushing! And this comes nowhere close to the Renault saga IMO, that one really was/is an epic. Still hope to see more of that car on the forums one day.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by CitroJim »

ekjdm14 wrote:
CitroJim wrote: I'm with you on the quality and enjoyment of this thread... I'm on the edge of my seat. Best thread since the epic Renault 6TL rebuild :)

Oh Jim, now I'm blushing! And this comes nowhere close to the Renault saga IMO, that one really was/is an epic. Still hope to see more of that car on the forums one day.

Your making of a three-pot XUD was exceptionally epic and I still giggle about that to this day...

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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Well there is that, I suppose :) I had a listen to that video again the other day & almost wished the thing had survived for further testing! I will be keeping a lot of bits from it though, so will likely lift the head to save storing the bits seperately and see what the dropped valve looks like.

On the new engine, I got the rest of the installation done for the most part and checked everything still works ( which it does, although the rear spheres feel utterly dead!) but it seems I'm not done with the plumbing just yet as she decided to leak profusely from either the bottom hose or the plastic housing.

Also, one difference in the Bosch pumps, the "outgoing" item has 2 identical looking solenoids, one stop & the other on the lower front connected to a line that goes back into the pump near the fuel inlet banjo. I'm guessing it has something to do with cold running/warmup as I seem to have got the wires switched and the engine promptly cuts out when it warms up. Also I misplaced the TDC sensor during the swap so we have no rev counter but other than that all is good.

Typical though that the 2 main niggles would involve working low down the back of the engine lol, at least I can get the stands under a lot easier now she runs.
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by CitroJim »

That plastic housing is a pain when it's disturbed or decides to leak. I've had it happen and normally the issue is the big O ring behind it going hard... I have a feeling a sphere seal may fit... I know I found something that did the job but cannot recall now exactly what it was... Maybe it was a thermostat seal.
ekjdm14 wrote:Also, one difference in the Bosch pumps, the "outgoing" item has 2 identical looking solenoids, one stop & the other on the lower front connected to a line that goes back into the pump near the fuel inlet banjo. I'm guessing it has something to do with cold running/warmup as I seem to have got the wires switched and the engine promptly cuts out when it warms up.

Yes, that second solenoid is the cold advance solenoid and is normally energised to keep the injection advance in operation when the engine coolant is below 60 degrees and/or the load (throttle) lever has not advanced more than a third of its travel so yes, if you reverse them it will cut out when warm!

What does the incoming pump look like in that area? Some did not have the cold advance but it's good to have so a pump swap may not be a bad idea as good cold running - and it does make a difference - will be essential on an automatic.

Still, excellent progress!

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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Aha brilliant, the "new" pump doesn't have this feature (nor, actually, does it have a stop lever) so might have to swap them at some point. It does start & run pretty well cold for now although cold is only relative this time of the year, may swap the glow plugs though so that'd be an ideal time to have the pump out of the way.

The actual plastic water housing hasn't been disturbed from this engine, I simply uncapped the extra hose stub for the gearbox cooler. It may actually be the bottom hose itself as the end was a greasy oil-impregnated mess of chewing gum and I haven't cut/joined it yet (was hoping it would suffice temporarily until I can replace the whole hose, maybe not.) If I get a moment later I'll have a look see where it's coming from, hopefully the housing itself is OK as the one on the dead engine broke while I tried to free a pipe from it :(
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... Do we have an engine?...

Unread post by Pug_XUD_KeenAmateur »

ekjdm14 wrote:just have to nick another Escort CVH mount from the scrappy
I note there's one beside the 405 saloon in my local scrappy. Haven't lifted the bonnet on it, lemme know if you can source one easily or whether to look next time I'm there. Reading this thread from a couple of pages prior to here having not visited it in a....ges
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... Do we have an engine?...

Unread post by Pug_XUD_KeenAmateur »

ekjdm14 wrote: awkward cambelt cover bolt at the back
an absolute doddle with one of these.
Just a cheap 3/8 Drive Ratchet, cut down
with a 1/4 Dr' 11mm socket and 3/8 to 1/4 adapter

NB: interesting to see the pix of the engine 'carnage', saved the offline pages for future reference. Not a step I'm ready to take, going into such detail myself, but will probably happen in the future
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Re: Black Xantia NA Diesel auto... She lives!!! :D

Unread post by CitroJim »

Ahh! Just like me :) If a tool for the job does not exist I make one... I have a massive collection now...

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