Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX and V6 Loveliness

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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by yannbeam »

Gave the VSX a bit of a going over at the weekend. Not in bad condition realy for her age. The oil in the autobox was manky though, not even a hint of red ! The bearings in the rear arm are definitely shot so I have ordered a new set, and the other side has a little play but should be ok for now.

One queston I have is about the Hydraulics. Does it work the same on Hydractive cars ? The pressure regulator is ticking every 5-6 seconds so I assume the accumulator sphere is flat. I have a new accumulator sphere for the TD which I think is the same, but I will double check the part no. before i change it.


A picture of the ATF is above. More like treacle than oil :shock:
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by CitroJim »

Yes, accumulators are the same and likely the root cause of the rapid ticking but on a hydractive car there can be other causes... Swap the accumulator first and see how it changes things...

That ATF is well past it's first flush of youth! Do a few changes in rapid succession to thoroughly flush out the old stuff...

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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by yannbeam »

Not much to update as I've been poorly over Christmas and not managed to do a lot. Managed to get the old girl through the mot yesterday with very little hassle. There is a drip from one of the rear strut gaiters where someone has tried to cable tie it on. So I've ordered the proper metal clip from Citroen which should be here friday. The rear arm bearings have minimal play so that can wait for a warm (and hopefully sunny) day.

Got some hydraflush cheap so I'll get that in once the gaiters been sorted. The rear suspension is slow to respond to changes in height so I assume the height corrector is full of sludge, so that may have to come off for a good clean aswell.

Looks like I'll be back in the TD sooner than I thought. My partner has been driving the VSX and likes it a lot. Charming considering she told me I was wasting my money on another shed. :shock:
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by yannbeam »

Well I've done the third oil change on the auto box now. Oil is still rather black looking but the drive has improved quite a lot. I can hear a faint whirring noise in second gear so it may have deeper issues than just dirty oil. If the box lets go it may have to be converted to manual as the 4hp14 seems to be getting thin on the ground now.
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by CitroJim »

It might be worth checking the oil filter in the gearboxbox. It's a sump-off job...

Have a look at Stickyfinger's thread on his unhappy 4HP14 ;) He shows how to have the sump off and soon, how to get at the filter...

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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by yannbeam »

Have had a look at his thread and I've requested photos :-D
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Coming tomorrow (Fridays weather is forecast dry)
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by Xantianut »

Working au naturel?

In this weather?
That'll freeze yer assets!!!
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by CitroJim »

Xantianut wrote:Working au naturel?

In this weather?
That'll freeze yer assets!!!
Some of us have no choice and furthermore we're made of stern stuff :wink: :lol:

My assets are OK, it's just my hands that suffer - with Reynauld's :evil:

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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by yannbeam »

Picked up this little gem yesterday. I was very excited. :-D :-D

Not had a chance to look at it properly as its still on the trailer, but looks to be be in reasonable condition. Didnt get home till 10pm due to a lorry fire on the M4.

Will hopefully get to look at it over the weekend. Has some rust at the rear of the sills and a leaking height corrector but not as bad as I was expecting.
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by CitroJim »

Ohh, sweet :D

A very early S1 V6, the most desirable of the lot 8-)

Looking forward to hearing all about your adventurs with this car ;)

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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by yannbeam »

Not been able to get at the V6 yet. Family life keeps getting in the way ! I have had to replace the strut top on the TD as it was in imminent danger of collapse. I knew there was some rust in it, but I had no idea it was this bad. After hitting quite a brutal pothole it tried to make a break for freedom.


As i removed the defective one it was literaly crumbling in my hands.


I used the one from the old white TD to replace it. Thankfully this is in much better condition.


I,m sure they were checked last time I got the car MOT'd. Cannot believe it would get that bad in a year. Although she is the daily driver and out in all weathers.
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

I just noticed your V6 above. The P-reg V6s (and there were only a handful) were all evaluation models, and used as press cars and in the brochures. See ... tia-6.html for one with very nearly the same registration number. I can't find my brochure at present to see if yours is in it.

They also differed from the standard Mk1 V6 UK spec in that some had the winter pack (heated seats and headlight washers), and some had sunroofs or half-leather upholstery.
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Re: Bargain Odd Spec VSX

Unread post by elma »

That's a good article and I totally agree with the last line.