wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by wurlycorner »

Today hasn't gone as planned... Sat here working instead of being at the barn playing :roll:

Some of my CX's have sat for several (read: ALOT) of years before being restarted fine :lol:
Though some of those probably still have an amount of leaded petrol in them... ;)

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by CitroJim »

wurlycorner wrote:Today hasn't gone as planned... Sat here working instead of being at the barn playing :roll:

No fair :( :twisted: hope you'll get a bit of time off in lieu for this.. Hopefully on a nice, warm sunny day ;)

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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by Peter.N. »

My lawnmower starts every spring :)

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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by wurlycorner »

CitroJim wrote:
wurlycorner wrote:Today hasn't gone as planned... Sat here working instead of being at the barn playing :roll:

No fair :( :twisted: hope you'll get a bit of time off in lieu for this.. Hopefully on a nice, warm sunny day ;)

I don't officially get TOIL, but do intend to take one, yes.

Work's been manic for so long on this project that I've had trouble taking time off - I've still got leave left to use from last year. Also have just discovered I think the company owes me 7 days back A/L for the last 3 years, because my entitlement hasn't clocked up on the system, in line with contract. So... maybe I won't be working much this summer :lol:

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
2x '96 Xantia Activa (Black & met. green)
'01 C5 2.0 HDi LX Estate (Blue)
'11 C5 X7 3.0 V6 Exclusive Tourer
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by ekjdm14 »

Not sure on the latest ethanol infused lot, but certainly it lasted well back in 2008 (which is when our Escort was laid up), fresh battery and that fired straight up on the dregs that were left.

I think EFi systems are a lot more kind to the fuel (at least the quantity stored in the lines/rail/filter etc) being sealed from evaporation/oxidation better than most...
'95 Xantia LX 1.9D-auto, Black, 118k
'97 306 XS 1.6i, Blaze Yellow, 24k
'96 ZX SX 1.9TD rolling shell, White, 81k
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by demag »

Amazingly the BX has always fired up after months of sleep.

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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by RichardW »

Winter petrol has a higher C4 component to increase its volatility and make it easier to ignite during the colder months. Summer petrol has a lower C4 content to reduce the vapour pressure and stop it disappearing on hot days. If you fill with summer and leave over winter it will probably be OK; if you fill with winter and leave it over the summer, you may well find that all the light stuff has left, and you are left with something closer to diesel, which doesn't burn too well in a spark ignition engine!
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by elma »

Whats C4? only one I can think of is plastique explosive! Bet that would get the Bhp up.
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by RichardW »

Butane, essentially. But (almost) anything with 4 Carbon atoms in it - refineries are awash with it, and the more they can blend away into petrol to get rid of it the better!
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

I advise not adding C5, pre detonation may cause problems :)
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by elma »

I should've got that, the shame.
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by CitroJim »

Stickyfinger wrote:I advise not adding C5, pre detonation may cause problems :)

Still, look on the bright side - you'd never have to worry about getting an MOT on that vehicle ever again...

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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

But it will turn over quickly....once :0
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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by CitroJim »

Stickyfinger wrote:But it will turn over quickly....once :0


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Re: wurlycorner's silver s2 CX Gti Turbo - troublesome sod...

Unread post by Ed900 »

wurlycorner wrote:Today hasn't gone as planned... Sat here working instead of being at the barn playing :roll:

Some of my CX's have sat for several (read: ALOT) of years before being restarted fine :lol:
Let me know if you want shot of one! :)
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