Feel better now for a bit of lunch!
Ahh, so more special birthdays in April then

That's a good idea Daviedaviemck2006 wrote:perhaps Alisdair can meet with us and we could do a little activa convoy somewhere.
It's amazing the restorative power of a cup of tea and a sandwich, and a break giving fresh eyes!!CitroJim wrote:Good news! SuccessThe clutch is now fitted after a bit of fiddling. The worst is done. Just got to mate engine and'box now and job's a good 'un
BenC5HDi wrote:My mum, who has as much mechanical knowledge as my cat, took hold of the jack handle, wiggled it a bit, jacked the thing up, popped the bolt in and said something along the lines of "is that all?" and walked out..
Not wasted, Jim, just a valuable learning opportunity....CitroJim wrote:Yesterday was basically a wasted day on the Activa clutch job![]()
Very true RichardRichardW wrote: Not wasted, Jim, just a valuable learning opportunity....![]()
Spot-on! It is, especially if you're doing guide tubes and seals... I did do the guide tube in-situ but what a fiddle it was... So much easier to drop the 'box right out...RichardW wrote:Sounds like it comes into the territory of it looks easier that way, but in the end, it's easier and quicker to remove the bits to get at it.