Davie's Activa Clutch

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by CitroJim »

Thanks Davie :D Appreciated...

Feel better now for a bit of lunch!

Ahh, so more special birthdays in April then :D Happy birthday to grand daughter!!

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by daviemck2006 »

She is a very special little girl for me. I was recovering front a serious mental breakdown, bad enough to be in a locked ward in a psychiatric hospital 3 years ago, and when Kerri came and told me she was pregnant later that summer, that was when my recovery really kicked in. It makes things, like the clutch going, almost of no consequence. It's only a bloody car, there are far more important things in life to worry about. To some extent I am very lucky to be here so cars can fix or be replaced far easier than I, or anyone else can be. When my clutch broke and my head couldn't connect to the rest it took a lot more than an hour or two here and there to fix it. It's an ongoing thing for ever, and there are setbacks, but as HR James said the day I lost the plot, I was only in a siding letting the express train past. I liked that and will remember that. So an activa throwing a wobbly fit, in the grand scheme of things, really doesn't matter.
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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by CitroJim »

Davie, that's bloody fantastic :D I think in a similar way it was my girsl that kept me going through the dark days I experienced. If not for the kids, gawd knows...

Good news! Success :D The clutch is now fitted after a bit of fiddling. The worst is done. Just got to mate engine and'box now and job's a good 'un :D

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by daviemck2006 »

That's great Jim. I know I spoke about coming down for the x rally, but Eilidh's birthday takes precedence. As said there's only one of them, and there will be other gatherings I can come to. If I do come for it myself, which is my preferred option, perhaps Alisdair can meet with us and we could do a little activa convoy somewhere.
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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by CitroJim »

daviemck2006 wrote:perhaps Alisdair can meet with us and we could do a little activa convoy somewhere.
That's a good idea Davie :D

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

Who is this Alisdair chap ?
Does he have an Activa as well ?

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by daviemck2006 »

He's an imposter who doesn't know his nationality and even has a weird car where you sit on the wrong side. Strange, very strange [emoji13] [emoji23]
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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

But with a name spelt the correct original Scottish (well Irish, like most of us) way :)

forgiven as you live near Aberdeen (more English there than Bradford)
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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by RichardW »

CitroJim wrote:Good news! Success :D The clutch is now fitted after a bit of fiddling. The worst is done. Just got to mate engine and'box now and job's a good 'un :D
It's amazing the restorative power of a cup of tea and a sandwich, and a break giving fresh eyes!!

I remember being at the glider field with my Grandad (he was big into it for a lot of years) and they had a big winch on the back of a truck. Big 6 cylinder diesel (bus origin I think) and one of the guys was working on the injection pump- couldn't get a bit back on for love nor money. Gave up after a long struggle, went off for a cup of tea and a yarn, came back, and it popped straight on first try :twisted: =D>
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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by BenC5HDi »

Yes. My dad recounts a tale from when I was a baby and he drove a Viva van. He had to fit a new transverse front spring one evening so he could go to work the following day. He had no garage so did it at my gran's house. My mum and a six - month old me waited in my gran's house. The tale goes that he couldn't get the spring/hub bolt on and had taken hours. It got late into the evening, so my mum, wanting to get home, went to the garage to see my dad. Blue air abound, my dad furious that couldn't get the bolt in. My mum, who has as much mechanical knowledge as my cat, took hold of the jack handle, wiggled it a bit, jacked the thing up, popped the bolt in and said something along the lines of "is that all?" and walked out..

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by CitroJim »

BenC5HDi wrote:My mum, who has as much mechanical knowledge as my cat, took hold of the jack handle, wiggled it a bit, jacked the thing up, popped the bolt in and said something along the lines of "is that all?" and walked out..
:-D =D>

Love it! Been there so many times. Walk away, come back and bingo! Not only on cars either...

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by CitroJim »

Yesterday was basically a wasted day on the Activa clutch job :twisted:

All the arm injuries were for nothing. I quickly realised this morning I was going nowhere with it and had the gearbox in such a funny position there was only one thing to do. Drop the gearbox right out and start all over again. This I did but due to the odd position the gearbox ended up in I had to remove the Hydractive sphere block to allow the 'box to swing enough...

Gearbox is now out and enabled me to take a few photos of the new release bearing and guide tube installation and to do the diff oil seals.

This is the new guide tube and release bearing:


Interesting wear patterns on the old one but it was serviceable:


The NS diff seal is an oddity and had I tried to do this one in-situ I'd have struggled..

I thought a few photos of the seal renewal would be good.

The seal lives behind this plate (note the up arrow on it for correct orientation):


This is the new one ready to go in:


It really needs a proper mandrel to drive it home. I found one of my home-made 4HP20 tools is just perfect for the job :D


The OS seal is conventional. I've removed it but won't install the new one until the 'box is bak in so that it's not in any danger of any damage from the still in-situ OS driveshaft...

I'll also replace the handbrake cables whilst the gearbox is out as I have lovely access to do the job... I'll not now reinstall the gearbox until I have some assistance...

Going to have a break now and wash and check over my own Activa ready for the X Rally this weekend. I just hope the weather will stay good for it...

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by RichardW »

CitroJim wrote:Yesterday was basically a wasted day on the Activa clutch job :twisted:
Not wasted, Jim, just a valuable learning opportunity.... :-D :lol:

Sounds like it comes into the territory of it looks easier that way, but in the end, it's easier and quicker to remove the bits to get at it.

There was a discussion about that type of seal on a C5, didn't realise it had made it onto the Xantia as well. Never had cause to have the shafts out of my HDi in the 110k I had it :mrgreen:
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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by CitroJim »

RichardW wrote: Not wasted, Jim, just a valuable learning opportunity.... :-D :lol:
Very true Richard :D Odd thing is that we as Team WFA have done it that way once but that was on an S2 HDi and I wonder if there was just that little more space in the bay perhaps...
RichardW wrote:Sounds like it comes into the territory of it looks easier that way, but in the end, it's easier and quicker to remove the bits to get at it.
Spot-on! It is, especially if you're doing guide tubes and seals... I did do the guide tube in-situ but what a fiddle it was... So much easier to drop the 'box right out...

I like that seal design a lot...

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Re: Davie's Activa Clutch

Unread post by superloopy »

Got a picture of the t'other side of the box now that it's out Jim?

How much do you reckon that box weighs?

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