Kban long adventure...

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Well, found an hour or so today... so pulled the XM out to have a look at the nearside front outrigger weld I did a month or so ago.. well, its not fallen off, still sounds solid, so takled other areas of small rust parts..

Again, strangely, the off side is the same..

So peeled back the underseal as far back as the loose stuff would go wire brushed and applied Hammerites Cure Rust..



Thats the Scuttle drain hole, and its the same BOTH sides, pictured the drivers side, and the other is the outer section obviously by the strut head, which would of course be a serious MOT failiure. Thank the god heavens it is only surface ! Its still very solid.

How strange to be identical on both sides though...

Theres a couple of other small surface rust patch's to peel around and apply curerust, and under seal back up.

Of course, in my crazy working ways, I dont do one thing at a time.. so going between this and also refitting the carpet underlay, and floor carpet...

So getting there slowly now.. A GOOD couple of days maybee three would see the hole welded on the drivers side front out rigger, interior back together and the engine service and cam belt/Water pump done..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

I contacted Medway Citroen after they placed an AD.. for the Citroen they were breaking and gave them a challenge.. I asked if they would be able to cut a section of glass out for me, for this SD.. Worth a go..

So, on Tuesday this week I got an Email... GOOD NEWS!! Their windscreen fitter had sucessfully managed to cut a Glass out for me SUCESSFULLY!!

Im SOOOOOOOO pleased and cant praise them enough! It will finish the car now!

But, the next challenge, what do I use to stick it back in.. Sugestions on a post card.. No, thats too slow, any ideas?

My mother agreed to pay for the glass for helping to TRY and sell her Xantia... which Im still trying.

Well, the glass arrived today, so I had to open the package to see it was true and fine..



Note the Mastic patten on the lower section...
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Had a bit more time today, however, not having any anti rust treatment stuff left, couldn't do any more weld prepping...

So, instead rather then waste time, I decided to tackle the Cam belt and pump job.

After getting the car in position on a wheel rim (that double up as axle stands) I noticed the following in the arch area..


Water!!! Comming out of the seal joint... NO Its not LHM, that brake pipe goes up the other side, the opposing side of the structure is DRY! So, water being held, which having the car leaning in favour of the passenger side caused this water to seep out..

Any ideas??


Access ready.

Pinned Ready for belt off...



Crank is also pinned behind the starter...

However, If you are dooing a broken belt job on these, dont make the mistake I did some years ago,


Looking above, the crank key DOES NOT line up with the Gap in the protruding upper part which I thought it did, however this TDC set clearly shows it doesn't..


So, all set to TDC, I just need to remember how to set the belt tensioner and get the belt off and pump swapped...

Oh, also, would that be the Crank Seal on its way out allowing that oil to spread about?
Its NOT the cam seal, its bone dry up there..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Well, did a TINY bit more today... as there was FAR to much wind about to weld, the gas would never get to the weld...

So, did a bit more in the cam belt area..

Got the belt off then proceeded to remove the water pump, when TWO bolt heads decided to shear off...

Crap, to add to that, as 2.1 owners might know, the block obscures the upper part of the pump, so, out with the drill, and a bit of messing later got the pump off the studs, and found luckilly there was enough stud to remove them with the mole grips..

So, bit of sealent on both sides of the paper gasket and on she went.


So then the next bit, remove the bottom sprocket to tackle the oil seal..

It was tight, but came away, so now im left with the above, awaiting oil seal.

So, what else.. ah, a bit of Rust Tackling.. removed the loose rust, and applied some KuRust.




Note the subframe colour difference between the above treated frame, and below, un treated.

Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

MORE progress today, thank god.. Got the Off side welding all finished today!!





So all welding done except for the rear exhaust hanger, there isn't one, so need to fabricate something for that...

Crank seal came today aswell.. so that can go in tomorrow I HOPE and get the belt back on..

Then oil and filter change.. and we are 80% done..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
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Re: Kban long adventure...

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Well, apart from the front near side tyre I need to swap from the other car and refit the near side arch liner, I beleve the car is MOT ready

Managed to fabricate a rear end exhaust hanger bracket, and got the back box on..

So all welding done, exhaust on.. theres a little less to do.

Finish reassembleing the interior.. floor plastics, refit front seats, refit centre console.
A good hoover again to be 100%
Externally, wax n wash, then reality a FULL T Cut.. Ive noticed on the bonnet theres large writing, of the words NOT INVOLVED on the bonnet which you can see in the sunlight. It will come away with a T cut...

Then the trickyest part, fit the rear window glass. Ive got the Goo etc.

Oil and filter done, also cam belt and water pump done too, so thats taken care of.

After the mot, get some Spray Under seal like the brush on stuff, and spray the whole subframe and pipes, and also spray the rear subframe pipes etc. I checked them while the exhaust was off, and they seemed all good from what I could feel..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Right... Todays.. Work.. A sucessfull day..

Sorted the Hazard issue, as posted else where, so hazards and indicators working, it seemed to be a hig resitance earth to the Hazard switch. I also binned the external relay, and fitted an Original Indicator relay, currently knicked out of another car...

So, then the next job, I decided while we have dry weather back window!

Armed with a screw driver, hammer, and a couple of old Kitchen Knives.. I set upon..



Vaccuum cleaner on standby to catch the bits..




All clear, with no extra upper wing damage..

And, Viola....



One window glass stuck in with PROPER windscreen bonding stuff!


This, concludes all work I can see (Other then the rear Boot centre panel, that houses the reversing lights) that I need to do to get an MOT..





SO.. MOT Ready now.... :D
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

So, down with the rear subframe...





Little to no cleaning needed on them, Im rather impressed with their condition considering...

So, out with the spray underseal..




Nicely sealed up, not fancying any premature pipe bursts...

So today went from this:


And fitted the inner rear screen too.. Ordered a new front plate too as the current one is broken..

And we have MOT BOOKED for friday!

Now, for anyone interested. I got the paint today from halfords..

I was fascinated by the mix's used! They let me take a shot of the list:

Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

And............ she failed... :(

Brakes.. off side binding badley.. service brake un even.
Strut leak off return pipe split and was leaking
Side repeater lamp not working.. how the heck i missed that i dont know

Oil leak from above the turbo
Exhaust minor leak
Some floor rust
Corroded fuel pipes.. it is actually light pitting which a sand down and under seal should sort out.

I think with the brakes the near side service brake was low and the off side on the parking brake was low. I think its the off side cable. Ill give the front calipers a bleed through..

Its NOT the brake valve pivot under the scuttle thats the first thing i checked..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

So, we had a look into the heater direction issue on the car. Which was giving issues in that the Teeth kept slipping on the spindle on the end of the cable drive.

So, this after noon, we had the dash out...



No need to remove the steering colum, no need to remove the centre console! What a doddle!!

So, looking into it a little closer, theres three operations on the direction flow control...


One cog on the left, one on the right, and a third, the lever to the right, all control three different direction control flaps inside the Box.

The discovery of stiffness was down to a load of dry dust ETC behind the toothed cogs, a spray with a bit of spray oil appeared to free everything up, then I had to set all the cogs up to tally with the control panel controler... that was tricky but manged.

Now, the roatry has a lovly light feel to operatre and directs all correctly. All Ive found is a slight miss align some where and though the dial doesnt point DIRECTLY to the picture on the front all flow directions DO work poperly.

The test will be to see what its like tomorrow after standing over night. Tomorrow If its dry will be to start on the engine/box removal and complete front end dismantle..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Heater still nice and free, and really nice and smooth. The cogs do get a bit full of Dust, which helps jam it up. My SED project needs the same dooing too..

Anyway.. I think a Bomb went off...


We always say the engines are bomb proof! :lol: :lol:

All stripped down ready to remove. Need to locate a 3 notch multi layer head gasket now for the engine and then we are good to go..

However, during the strip down process, Im ever wondering how the electrics worked in the car at all, I discovered this on the engine fuse box..


Lucky, SOMEWHERE theres a much nicer one off the J reg car recently dismantled. Just need to remember where I put it..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

The new Heater Matrix arrived for the SD this afternoon after a Xantia Gearbox strip down.

So, I set on dooing that...

So, water catch in place, though, there wont be much the cooling system is drained while the engine awaits to come out.


Undone the clamp screw and heater catch, and yes, original heater still fitted...


So, nice new heater to go in..


And also a set of new O ring seals too.. and put the inside all back together again.

Now, STILL trying to locate a 3 notch laminated gasket
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

OK.. got the engine out today... and got a bit more done..

Id thought Id tackle the head first.. and stripped down and got the head off...

Firstly a quick view of the rockers and cam


Impressivly clean I though really...

Heres the state of the gasket.




Gasket had split in two places on the edges. The head was not stuck to it like some I have removed in the past on the 1.9 engines. It lifted straight off.. Looking at that Im VERY pleased to be changing the gasket, and putting a MLS one on too...



A bit of elbow grease to clean the faces up nicely! (Above / Below)


My supervisor was also with me watching over carefully make sure I did it right..




So, gasket back in place, head cleaned up, head on, set of new bolts, tightend up and cam belt refitted.

Got the gearbox off last minute to see what the clutch was like. Yes pressure plate showing signs of over heating and heat marks on it, and the friction plate a bit smooth. Anyway. Clutch fit tomorrow - should it be dry - and then clean the subframe up and the PAS pipes..

The nylon bush's on the release arm were rather urrmm. STIFF to say the least! So a bit of a clean up on them too before all assembly.
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Got the clutch fitted and the gearbox back on, and generally got the engine back together and rebuilt with turbo and lower inlet all on, and hoses connected up around the engine.

Then attention to the engine bay. While the engine was out I wanted to just clean up a couple of ends.

PAS Pipes a tiny bit corrosive, so a clean up and application of Kurust ... and also long the top face of the subframe too...




Then I spotted under the rear lower engine mount point a load of crap around the mount..




So off with the mount to clear it out, and even after this time, it was STILL wet and damp.. not got for a Rot point of reason.. All cleared out, and Kurust applied.. NOTE in the second picture down its all cleared up and clean!

Just for piece of mind...


Nice new matching belts on the Aux side of things..

So now, awaiting for me to now put it in the engine bay and plumb all back in!
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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1994 XM 2.1 d auto
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Re: Kban long adventure...

Unread post by citroenxm »

Got the engine and box BACK into the car, and front pipe connected to engine...

So during this week amoungst the useual other things I should get her all plummed back up and running with any luck!

Clutch, however, is beautifully nice and smooth and VERY Light!! :D

Engine plummed back in, bolted in place.. drive shafts in.. new accumilator sphere fitted... rads fitted .. water in with 3.5 litres of anti freeze, not sure if thats enough or not.

Ran up to temp.. all ok.




Here is, I hope a THIRD start, the first two were used for bleeding the fuel system up. So effectically a "First Start".. Bear in mind theres no inlet manifold fitted here... (CLICK image to View vid)


So, wednesday, headlight surround to fit, front bumper to fit, final check over and try for another MOT on her.
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

A very sad...
1994 XM 2.1 d auto