I do lament the lack of interest or ability of people these days when it comes to tinkering and fixing things themselves, I think its secretly why we all own old Citroens - so we can keep in practice.

I remember those well Simon but I bypassed them and dived straight into the deep end of valve wirelesses and tellys. It all started with me when my Dansette Record Player blew up and a near neighbour fixed it for me and allowed me to watch him work his magic. I was hooked from that moment on. From there it was just a short step to me doing the same myself. I used to earn all my pocket money fixing transistor radios belonging to fellow schoolchildren. I had a great little business goingMandrake wrote: I remember clearly the little kits that had a transistor and a few caps and resisters mounted on a plastic board with springs that you could join with link wires to make various things
I think you're rightMandrake wrote: I think its secretly why we all own old Citroëns - so we can keep in practice.
Steve, we're not oldTrainman wrote:Listen to you two, sounds like 'Old Foggies R Us"![]()
Sir James, I'mCitroJim wrote:Steve, we're not oldTrainman wrote:Listen to you two, sounds like 'Old Foggies R Us"![]()
Or at least I'm not! I'm only 55!
Anyway, humble apologies for hijacking your blog![]()
Sorry sir. I won't do it again. A big boy made me do it.
Trainman wrote:Listen to us three, sounds like 'Old Foggies R Us"![]()
Wills exact words this morning were:Trainman wrote:Hopefully, it's being brought down to the National for me, then I can bring it back to you....
when he realised that it wasn't what he was hoping it was so no return load Steve."Ah no worrieschuck it then, sorry to waste your time fella