Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive.

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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by taffy »

or prob with the turbo pressure sensor on right hand side of intercooler?
99 silver 2.1td exclusive xantia
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by citroenxm »

ITS not Turbo pressure!

Its Lack of Fuel Pressure Monitor .... FUEL pressure, not turbo boost pressure.
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by taffy »

failing temp sensor in fuel rail?
99 silver 2.1td exclusive xantia
99 red 2.0 hdi exclusive xantia..
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by taffy »

cause when i booted it mine would go a second or two then just die rather alarminly and go into limp mode
99 silver 2.1td exclusive xantia
99 red 2.0 hdi exclusive xantia..
00 black 2.0 hdi exclusive xantia
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by citroenxm »

ALL the fuel system is off another engine that NO issues with cutting out or anything!

Its been fine for a week.
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by taffy »

99 silver 2.1td exclusive xantia
99 red 2.0 hdi exclusive xantia..
00 black 2.0 hdi exclusive xantia
99 blue 2.0 hdi exclusive xantia
06 silver 1.6 hdi vtr c5
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by KP »

I know the feeling Paul :( how much work for an ecu swap?

Can't believe that it doesn't even throw and error up during live logging :( pita these electrical driven systems :(

The rangey has thrown a tiff about its head unit and amp and then fibre links between them so no audio or display in it! Grrrrr!
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by citroenxm »

An ecu swap is simple enough ... i just cant see it being an ecu.

In live data the measured fuel pressure gets to about 950 bar then bam 0bar just like that. No gradual drop just 0bar just like that...

The car will drive perfectly and all day long like a giffer driver and take me anywhere..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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1994 XM 2.1 d auto

Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by Northern_Mike »

You haven't got a tuning box fitted have you Paul?

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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by citroenxm »

Removed while this is going on mike..
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by KP »

Wiring for the pressure sensor must have something wrong somewhere then that earths or shorts under certain conditions and releases the '0' value to the ecu which then shuts everything down for safety incase it's a fuel pipe blowing and doesn't want to allow the fuel to spray everywhere.

Getting to the bottom of it could be a help in the future for that xm project you want to do ;)
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by KP »

Brain wave, if it's doing this under load and in gear, dying I mean, then as long as it stays in gear and moving then the pump will still be pumping and dumping fuel into the tail so pressure should still be being generated. If the live data drops to 0 but comes back up while your cruising down under engine braking this would confirm the electrical wiring as a fault.

If however it doesn't come back up, does it come back up if you stay in gear, moving and just cycle the ignition key?

I would of course suggest this be done on a private road :)

Maybe dirt in the fuel rail getting pushed against the sensor pressure inlet hole and then falling back under lower pressure, like a flap? I know you swapped the sensor and/or rail though but just another idea :)
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by citroenxm »

Already done it all with no choice will.. .. stops.. cuts the fuel off.. wont come back on over run i HAVE to turn the key off for 5 seconds or more before it will even think of starting up again. After then starts straight away.. no problem.
Sharing a pug 207 1.6 hdi Sw 16v.
M reg Xm 2.1 td auto exclusive S2 269k and rising
L reg XM V6 12v SEi auto .. Light project

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1994 XM 2.1 d auto

Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by Northern_Mike »

citroenxm wrote:Removed while this is going on mike..
Ah nice one. Thought you probably had, just mentioned it because with my box fitted and turned up too high, the Berlingo does exactly what is happening to yours.

What happens if you plug it back in?...
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Re: Pauls HDI Xantia Exclusive. will be OFF the road again!

Unread post by Chris570 »

It might be worth measuring the resistance of the wiring for the pressure sensor back to the ecu while it's manipulated in various points. I wonder if it's a breaking wire that breaks when the engine rocks. The ECU would then shut off because as said before with such a massive drop it sees it as fuel leak.

I presume that you've checked the connector for it is tight (the joiner further back in the loom I mean) I'm sure you have already but just to make sure :)
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