Wonderful stuff Dean
Elle is a lovely name and she sure is a little cutie
She'll have her dad doing exactly what she wants him to do in no time at all
We were very much led to believe Robyn was a boy before she was born and hence had no girl's names for her. That she's called Robyn is not because we'd chosen Robin previously; in fact had she been a boy she was going to be called Adam. So she took us completely by surprise and we decided to give her a good Aussie name...
I don't recall being surprised or shocked when I saw she was a girl. I was too busy being overwhelmed by what has been the very best thing bar none I've ever experienced in my life. The experience was exactly the same again when Sian was born. No naming issues with her as we knew she was a girl from 16 weeks. We'd long before chosen Lauren for her and that was her name almost right up to the day she was born except...
It seemed every girl born that week in MK was called Lauren and we did a quick rethink and so she was Sian; a good Welsh name that roughly translates to Jane.
And here they are now 19 and 16. Seeing and helping them grow from helpless little newborns to fully-fledged adults has been the most amazing, wonderful and satisfying thing I've ever known
Dean, you've it all to look forward to! You are now a very rich man albeit a money-poor one. Children have an ability to consume money like an Activa consumes petrol
How dare you suggest Dean weigh in the Activa. Shame on you