Toby's Activa and 406 Coupe

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Unread post by MikeT »

Toby_HDi wrote:True Mike, a good idea. Not sure how I'd go about that one though.

Again, the hydraulic system. How do I go about it?

Unfortunately it's the Coupe that is being used at the moment.

I'll give them a ring Mike. Got a week off now so I might go pay them a visit actually.
What is the position you're applying for Toby, or rather, what would your department and job duties be?

I don't know the hydraulics well enough to judge if there's anything remarkable within you could use to demonstrate your skills. Was it not you that diagnosed and fixed a pinion leak Toby or am I thinking of someone else? Perhaps others could offer some suggestions...?

I would agree and encourage you pay them a visit, the more interest you show in their products and services and the more in their face you get, the more you'll stand out amongst the competition IMO. Whether they're smart enough to recognise your talents remains to be seen but you got to be in it to win it as they say.
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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

The position is for Maintainence Engineer. More specifically my role will be instrument control I think.

Now the letter just states the following:

"...On the day of the interview the opportunity will arise for you to discuss your key acheievment(s) to date. In order to facilitate the discussion and to demonstrate your practical skills, you are requested to bring along a sample of some work that you feel proud of. As an example this could be a written project, something you have manufactured, or a computer project...."

The cambelt documentation is all I can think of. I'm not sure if I could put what I've learnt from FCF into context. Basically ANY suggestions anyone can offer are appreciated as I'm a bit stuck for ideas.

Kev, no need to manufacture anything for the cambelt change unfortunately otherwise that would have been perfect.

The pinion leak wasn't me Mike :wink:

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by CitroJim »


Sorry if I've missed it but when is the interview?

If we have time, I can always help you document an Activa cambelt change. I have one here that needs doing :wink:

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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

Monday 19th Jim.

I have two cars here that need doing :twisted:

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Toby_HDi wrote:Monday 19th Jim.
OK, well I'll be seeing you on Saturday if you are coming up this way with John in persuance of a V6 LPG kit. We can natter then..

I could take you through a V6 belt change if you like. I have an engine sitting on my garage floor...

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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

Quick update,

I've found that Euro car parts do the tensioner and pulley as well as the rest of the parts. That's the Xantia's cambelt sorted. I'm hoping that I may be able to have it on the road again in a month or two. This would enable me to get the Coupe's done. It is urgent!

I've been finding difficulties in sorting out the maintainence on two cars. It's really doing my head in so to speak, even though I've set out a list for both cars. It just doesn't help not having the Xantia available.

Going to buy said parts and my base collection of tools tomorrow. My poor wallet...

That said, still finding difficulty in trying to find something for my interview. Cambelt job may be successful on time but if not I'm stuck.

The Coupe still refuses to drop below 25mpg. Am very impressed. Still not convinced all is well with the suspension though. Adjusting the pressures helped but something is still niggling. Hopefully just some bushes.

Went to the car auctions today, didn't buy anything but as I left the auctions and was getting in the Coupe, some bloke asked me if it was for sale as he loved it. I told him with a chuckle that it was most definitely NOT for sale :twisted:

Looking forward to Saturday Jim, a chat I feel will help me enormously...

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

Right, it's been a busy few days so where do I start...

First of all, I had been having problems with the Coupe's speedo. It was mentioned when I bought the car that very occasionally, at cruise, the speedo would drop to zero but would return to normal within a few seconds. Recently, it became more frequent and became urgent when it failed going along the A338 Wessex Way and it's legion of speed cameras :evil:

I went to the Peugeot dealer in Christchurch to order the speed sensor as this was the problem. The parts guy was very helpful and complimentary about the Coupe. Two days later, it turned up so I went to collect it and set about the job the following day.

Its a fairly simple job but the sensor is in an awkward position on the rear face of the gearbox and behind a heatshield that is clipped onto it. One screw and out it comes. Swapped the cog into the new sensor and hey presto, my speedo has been fine ever since.

While I was there I had a couple of easy wins. I noticed the reverse lights were dim but on looking for the speed sensor spotted the real problem, someone had left the connector for the reverse light switch off. Reconnected that and sorted as well as sorting a few minor issues

Saturday saw a trip to Jim's to meet up with him and John, to go up to Chesterfield to strip an LPG system from a smahed Coupe. A thoroughly enjoyable day was had and we had it cracked in no time, along with a few other bits and peices. Thanks again to Jim and John.

That brings us to today. As some of you will be aware, I had an interview at Fawley today. Apart from some confusion on arrival as to where I was supposed to park and getting caught in a small jam on the way, I think it went well. Could have been better but that is the benefit of hindsight. Now I have about a two week wait before I know if my application is successful.

Started with an interesting site tour, we went up to the top of one of the cat crackers to view the site from above. Weighed down with PPE and because of the heat, going up the stairs to the top, I noticed that I really have let myself become unfit :oops:

After that I had an interview, a practical assessment and finally we had a team exercise. I just hope I did enough to impress.

Finally, on my arrival home from Southampton, I was greeted by the sight of two huge boxes with my name on. One is from ECP with parts for the Activa's cambelt change and the other from Machine Mart filled with a selection of goodies in the form of tools for me to start building a collection.

Over the last few days the Coupe has been running on a tank of fuel I put in on Thursday. Today it passed 400 miles on that same tank and the light came on 10 miles later. I think 450 miles on a tank is impressive for a 3.0 V6 Coupe, which itself is no lightweight :wink: :evil:

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

The Activa is having a sulk...probably its way of showing its displeasure of not being used. Also probably a tad jealous of the Coupe.

Went to change the LHM and put in some Hydraflush and it all just went wrong. I've got LHM leaked all in under where the reservoir goes, I've lost a clip for one of the pipes and I can't get the thing to sit properly, suspect its something to do with the awkward bracket that slides onto the side that holds the pipes. Some them don't seem to sit properly even though they are on the right way round.

Can't see the clip anywhere. Gave up in the end and came in. Got too dark.

I wanted to get it done as a precursor to the cambelt change which I was planning on starting this weekend.

One thing that is positive though, I've got round to booking a Stock Car Racing experience that I was given for christmas. It's in a couple of weeks time and is in Northampton near a place called Hackleton. Not too far from Jim :wink:

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Toby_HDi wrote:and is in Northampton near a place called Hackleton. Not too far from Jim :wink:
I know it well, it is literally just up the road from me. Where you are going is just outside the village, a place called Brafield Stadium. Very famous locally for banger and stock car racing. I used to go there and enjoy the banger racing over thirty years ago... It's been there a long, long time. Figure of eight bangers was something to behold...

As always, a warm welcome awaits if you wish to visit; I shall be most offended if you don't!!!

Sorry to hear all not well with doing the Activa Toby. The LHM reservoir can be a devil. I find the best way is to engage the tang at the front bottom into the rubber grommet in the frame first and then jiggle it until it is home on the two studs at the rear.

What clip has gone walkabout?

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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

Ahh I see Jim, quite well known then.

Thanks you for the offer, I'm sure I will drop in! :lol:

One of the clips for the pipes to the reservior. The devilish ones that prise apart and take an age to clip up again with pliers. I know they can be substituted for jubilee clips but I fear this one is in the engine bay somewhere and I don't like the idea of that.

Was one of those jobs that was supposed to be simple and yet turned into a pain. Seem to be having a few of those at the moment, just as I've got the motivation back to do some work.

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Ahh yes, those clips :twisted: Not just slid down the pipe and hidden itself has it?

I have loads of spares here. Every time I have delved deeply into a Xantia engine bay have always found a few "spares"...

Invest in the Lazer tool for those clips. It saves a lot of faffing around with pliers...

Get youself a magnet, attach it to a piece of string and go fishing in the engine bay Toby, you'd be amazed at what you might catch!!!

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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

Time for an update, its overdue.

Finally I have got the LHM changed for Hydraflush, I bought some new CLIC clips as I like to keep it all looking original. I've now bleed the brakes too, they feel a bit weak but I suspect they are fine and that the problem is actually me getting used to the 4-pot Brembos on the Coupe.

Not much else has been done really. There are many niggly little jobs to be done on both cars. As well as a few major ones. Both need a cambelt kit and the associated gubbins. The Activa's should be being done soon. The Coupe I will do when the Activa is back on the road and I can afford the kit...more on that later.

One thing I'm not happy with is the suspension on either car. The Activa's is very odd at the moment but I suspect it is a sticky mechanism somewhere. The Coupe's is more serious I feel...

It doesn't feel very planted at all, the ride is also very harsh. I know it needs two new back tyres but I think there is something more than that afoot. This is to be investigated. One other indication is the presence of horrendous torque steer.

Yesterday was spent at Northampton International Raceway, as it's now called, for a stock car experience day. I truly enjoyed myself, there were some 'interesting' experiences shall we say. These included being directed arounded a course by a navigator, because you are driving blindfolded! :shock: This is a horrible feeling I can tell you. We also had a go in a concoction of two Nissan Micra front halves, welded together with steering active on both ends and a person steering each side. Handling is nimble shall we say :twisted:. We also had to race Reliant Robins, particular fun in that the rear breaks free so easily. Of course, someone tipped it!

Main event was the F2 Stock cars. I loved it and it was real racing. I want to go and do it again.

Good news! The Activa should be back on the road this week, all being well! :D

Finally, still no word from Fawley as yet...

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by Toby_HDi »

Nothing else on the car front since Monday, however I recieved an email from Fawley today regarding my application....

Unfortunately it was unsuccessful, I will phone them for feedback as they have invited me to do so but I have to wait til the 24th as the appropriate person is out of office til then.

Ah well, back to the search...

2004 Peugeot 407 HDi 138 SE Luxury Pack
2001 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
2001 Peugeot 406 V6 Coupé
1998 S2 Xantia Activa
2000 S2 Xantia HDi 110 SX
1999 Peugeot 406 2.0 16v Estate
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Unread post by Xaccers »

Bugger Toby, we were all keeping our fingers crossed for you!
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Unread post by red_dwarfers »

Their loss Toby. You've gained the interview experience :)
Keep on the lookout!

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