Will, the bracket is cheap steel, hence the reason it got bent, problem was you could see it from the top, as soon as I got underneath it was plainly obvious, a twist back into shape and she's sitting where she should be and not alarm's going off, I'm just annoyed the garage didn't spot it. I even put the old sensor back on figuring that it was worth a gamble as I still have the new one to fall back if the alarms were still there and the old sensor was indeed faulty.KP wrote:OOO that is intriguing! I wonder how the support bracket could be bent though?!?
No Steve, not for me, although I do love the Citroen Survolt, I think it's a pretty little car, totally impractical, but pretty all the samemyglaren wrote:Trainman wrote: In other news, there could soon be an addition to the fleet, and no, it's not the ZX, I can't seem to pin the lad down with that, so I have my eye on something with a 'little' more oomph........... and no, I'm not saying yet, before you all ask all I will say is that the vehicle has the seal of approval from the Bank Manager (read SWMBO).
Having said that, the colour scheme would need to be severely adjusted