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Unread post by Deanxm »

Chloé's comment was... why didnt you just buy a hyundi coupe?
At the moment I wish I had!
Have a pint of lhm and wash your mouth out!!!! :lol:

There are two types of bendix sensor and they can be mixed across axles no probs, i have. but if my memory servs me there are two types of rear rotor and these are not interchangeable, there is also two types of ecu.
All this ive memorised from info John (xmexc) has told me, i cant find it on clubxm or here but it may be worth asking him as he hates/knows his bendix abs.

Also where is the leak coming from? ive had them all now :lol:

XM Prestige PRV6 92
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Deanxm wrote: Also where is the leak coming from? ive had them all now :lol:
Ditto on a Xantia :evil: :evil:

This month in the Citroenian I wrote a long piece on leaks in my Xantia Files column and the CX column also contained a long piece on exactly the same subject! Shame you did not write up your experiences for the XM column and then we could have had three columns dealing with exactly the same subject :D :D

Dave, if you've checked the sunroof and found no leaks, maybe they're all in your imagination or you have the heating turned up too high and you're just sweating a bit....

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Unread post by Deanxm »

I read Jim, then checked my Activa and its just the scuttle where you showed me at cxm thats leaking straight into the fan and onto the carpet on mine, good read though!.
The xm will get kinked or diplaced sunroof drains, leaky ariel, and a leaky sunroof motor mounts too where it is fixed into the tray, then there is the rear light lenses too.

XM Prestige PRV6 92
Talbot Express Autotrail Chinook 89
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Unread post by XantiaMan »

I saw a runaway XM heading into Hellesdon, came from Larkman Lane area downhill. That was brave!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

XantiaMan wrote:I saw a runaway XM
Silver one was it Gareth?

It was Dave testing his ABS....

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Unread post by XantiaMan »

CitroJim wrote:
XantiaMan wrote:I saw a runaway XM
Silver one was it Gareth?

It was Dave testing his ABS....
There is only one person in Norwich with an XM :lol:
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Unread post by davetherave »

I saw a runaway XM heading into Hellesdon, came from Larkman Lane area downhill. That was brave!
Must have been when I forgot to disable the ABS Gareth!

Dave, if you've checked the sunroof and found no leaks, maybe they're all in your imagination or you have the heating turned up too high and you're just sweating a bit
Paranoid though I am Jim, its so wet that the the gear leaver surround gets a wash!

I thought it may be the aerial, i took of the plastic to get to it then found that you cant, I guess the headlining needs to come down to do it.
leaky sunroof motor mounts
I hadnt thought of that dean, i think the previous owner said something about the sunroof motor being replaced so mybe it was not sealed well....

If only we could find a viable alternative to the bendix sensors, they are in short supply!
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Unread post by Deanxm »

Dave the ariel is accessed from under the centre sun visor and the motor is held in with 3? bolts each is seated on a rubber washer, it seams they split and then water starts running through when you corner and it dribbles out of the temp sensor vent, you may well see corrosion on the map light switchgear too.

XM Prestige PRV6 92
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Unread post by davetherave »

I have siliconed up the screw i believe to be eaking, and we sha see if that holds!

I was suposed to be getting the v6 today but havnt been able to get hold of the guy for the past week :? .
Hopefully will get it another weekend!

I have found as usual that all my veg oil has gone solid in this weather, and the car is somewhat sluggish to start!

So i am going to attempt the ultimate solution. I have bought a webasto diesel fired heater from a rover 75 and am going to fit it to heat the engine and the heat exchanger for the veg oil. Should start nice and easy then....

The first problem is where to put the thing. I think i have found the perfect location in the bumper forward of the o/s/f wheel.

Today I got rid of the pointless EGR vacuum pump (which would not stop operating despite removing the fuse???). Should also save a bit of battery juice!

I believe with that gone I should have just enough space to squeeze it in.

I aim to have it working off of a remote, so i can point it out the window and have a warm car by the time i get to it!

Good news also on the ABS front too in that it works (for now).... Lots of sensor replacing later!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Ohh, I like the idea of the Webasto heater Dave :D

Electrically driven vacuum pump???? How odd. Why did they not fit a mechanically driven pump off the end of the can as in Xantia 2.1s?

Excellent ABS news!

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Unread post by KP »

Good going with the heater for the veg oil. how are you going to combat the oil being to thick for it though? are you going to have a much smaller tank that has say a mix of derv and veg in it or mix up a big batch of veg with winteriser in it?

Should make the car nice and warm for you to get into in the morn if you set it to also kick the interior fan on at moderate speed as well :)
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Unread post by davetherave »

The heater will have to have a seperate tank for diesel as apparently they do not like veg too much!

I am doing a bit of research into how to get it to activate via remote, and it woud be good to get the blower on too!
We shall see....

Ill have to take lots of pics as I progress, I forsee it aowing me to run much higher amounts of veg in winter, especially if I put a heat exchanger on the fuel return line to heat the tank!
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Unread post by Deanxm »

Dave could you not pinch one of those dash mounted programers like transits and the like have? that way it could be timed to come on every day at say 6am for half an hour?

XM Prestige PRV6 92
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Unread post by davetherave »

Well I have fitted the webasto to the xm and it seems to work well!
Took a lot of work though, didnt take any pictures as I cant find my data transfer cable anyway!

Unfortuanatly i havnt been able to test it as my car is using LHM at about 8l/hr. It has been rather costly and now ive run out of LHM.

I ordered the replacement pipe from citroen, and rang them on the alotted day of arrival (having paid for it) to find that it wasnt their and they would have to email citroen. They then found out that citroen didnt have any :( .

After a dealer search one was found in kent, and so far due to adverse weather, two seperate couriers have failed to reach it....

Citroen minus LHM equals bad ride!, its sunk so low the mudflaps scrape the ground.

Hopefully will get the pipe soon! seems ike finding the right pipes is going to get more difficult!
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Unread post by XantiaMan »

Where in Kent?
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