My "love" of all things xantia...and Xm...and Cx..

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Unread post by DickieG »

davetherave wrote:
Is this happening at slow speed just prior to stopping
Thats correct, coming down from high speeds, all seems fine, similarly braking at high speeds is no problem.

At slow speeds,= brown seats time.
Just means i have to leave a large gap so i dont shunt the car in front!
What you have there is either a dirty ABS ring around one of the hubs or the air gap between a sensor and ABS ring is too wide. If you had a Lexia ( :oops: ) to plug into the car you'd more than likely see one of the sensors read zero once the speed drops to 10 kph. A quick easy one to look for is to check the front sensors to see whether a heat shield is between the sensor and hub rather than on top of it.
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Unread post by red_dwarfers »

When it comes to stuff like ABS, I'd only trust GSF's finest in the PSA wrapper and, once fitted, they will probably last the life of the car or at least a good 100k or so. Thats how I justify the price for my Xantia ones.
I see XM ABS sensor prices are a whole different ball game...same still applies though. I'd much rather have an XM staying at the correct length and width rather than compacted or made into a slightly more interesting shape by another object.

Of course only if the ABS sensor is at fault :lol:

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Unread post by davetherave »

Ill have to check that out richard, thanks for the tip!
If it passes the mot ill disable it then check it on return form holiday, if not i might ask duff morgan to blow it out with an airline!
At least i have a start point! :D
The lexia will be going back to hong kong tomorow. :roll:
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Unread post by davetherave »

Well as expected she failed!
However the list isnt too bad, an i still have enough ticket left to go on holiday!
It needs some welding on the n/s/r sill as there is a hole! :oops:
so much for rust protection :shock:

Despite cleaning the washer tubes out, the jet is still weak, so ill get an airline on that one methinks.

And finally they say the o/s/f brakes are binding, could this be causing my wierd braking? i hope so!
Anyway ill be taking round someones who has considerable welding experience and patching her up.

Also got some advisories, they told me that alot of hydraulic components were leaking :o , and some pipes were corroded.
So out comes the flaring tool i think.
Could have been worse though :D
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Unread post by davetherave »

"nearside rear (outer sill) Subframe mounting prescribed area is excessively corroded [2.4.a.2]

It does look too badly corroded, there is just a hole, i guess ill find out once its cut out!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Can you put any pictures of the corrosion up on here Dave? Be interesting to see it to get an idea of what the MOT man is complaining about...

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Unread post by davetherave »

Well the sill is welded up, took a while to get all the rot out, and these cars are supposed to be rust proofed!

Forgot to take pictures before it was done, but the repair is very good.

Unfortunatly i spent three days longer than anticipated repairing my girlfriends dihatsu which had all but disintergrated underneath, ive never seen such badly welded thin metal!

Sadly the xm still hasnt been MOTd as i couldnt get hold of a set of discs and pads in time after spending three days on dihatsu.
Hopefully ill get the discs and pads this week and get it through, if not ill have to break out the motorbike :? .
I had only intended to do the repairs for the MOT and the cambelt this week... the cambelt has been delayed untill after the summer now!

I replaced the hydractive sphere, but am not sure if its the correct one as i think ive replaced it with an accumulator :?

Not sure if it rides better or not, its very variable.
It has now developed a bit of a creak when turnign the steering wheel on the drivers side front :shock: Dont know what this means though!
I also need to replace a split rubber between the inlet manifold and intercooler pipe which is causing me to have zero turbo.

All good fun, but not when writing a disertation. However a week in tenerife was pretty relaxing, seems a distant memory now!

The xantia is still being used by my dad on WVO, and still going beautifully!
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Unread post by davetherave »

3RD time lucky!!!

After two fails, i finally have an MOT!! 8-) :lol:

I had to remove the water tank for the washer jets and all the piping to clean out as much of the black gunge as i could!
It paid off as i now have very strong jets!

Its had new disks and pads which i hoped would cure this ABS cutting in problem, but it hasnt :(

My next thought is to test the resistance values on each sensor whilst the wheel is turning to determine if one is reading incorrectly.

Unfortuanatly the lexia thing has turned out to be a nightmare, sent it back to china and am now pursuing a refund via paypal, i would be very weary of buying one again!

The car is definatly riding better after replacing the hydractive stiffness regulator sphere.

Sadly though the car has developed a nasty creaking on the drivers side when the steering wheel is turned, i hope this will be cured by checking gaiters and packing with grease!
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Unread post by MikeT »

Congrats on the MOT, Dave. Was the ABS fault commented on?

What was the problem with the Lexia? I've read a lot of people are having problems with the chinese clones while others say they work fine. Many of the problems appear to be down to poor build quality.
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Unread post by davetherave »

The ABS problem was not mentioned, I guess i was lucky enough for it not to occur during testing!

The lexia i bought loaded up on my pc with no problem, but would not communicate with the car in any way what so ever!
Its a shame as i was looking forward to using it!
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Unread post by davetherave »

Had the air con regassed yesterday, I was fully expecting to have to replace the compressor like on the xantia. However once gassed up, it works fine!! :D
I now have full climate control and shes blowing cold...

Despite being busy, i have the possible opportunity of obtaining a 3.0l v6 12v xm that just needs a front end... Thing is where the hell would i put it! Come you petrol heads persuade me to get it!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

davetherave wrote:i have the possible opportunity of obtaining a 3.0l v6 12v xm that just needs a front end... Thing is where the hell would i put it! Come you petrol heads persuade me to get it!
You know what you've got to do Dave :wink: It can keep the CXs company for a while...

Once you'e experienced the Joy of Vee, you'll be spoilt for life :D

How "front ended" is it Dave?

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Unread post by davetherave »

Its not front ended, its just had the front end removed to be donated to another car, but I have been informed that it runs fine!

I think i need to buy a field!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

davetherave wrote:Its not front ended, its just had the front end removed to be donated to another car, but I have been informed that it runs fine!
Simples! Front end off of your silver one; job's a good 'un :D :D

You know it makes sense Dave...

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Unread post by Citroenmad »

S1 or S2 Dave?

Your starting quite the collection there 8-)
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