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Unread post by jgra1 »


I have hatched a cunning plan...

her other car (now obsolete) is bosched....
which ....
I may try and sell to a collegue who doesn't care for WVO....

problem solved?

a pump swap x 2.... :D may have to get a banana spanner !
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Unread post by CitroJim »

jgra1 wrote: her other car (now obsolete) is bosched....
Sounds like something very nasty has happened to it John :lol: :lol: :lol:
jgra1 wrote:a pump swap x 2....
A cunning plan but a good one :D Give me a shout if you want a bit of a hand and I'll come armed with a bananna spanner in one hand and an injector spanner in the other...

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Unread post by jgra1 »

Perfect Jim :D

one thought, it has quarter of a tank of WVO mix in (the bosched one) would be worth burning that off first I think otherwise the car really will be bosched :twisted:

Just noticed something..
I am outside emptying a barrel of WVO (about 10C) into the xantia with a funnel comprising a metal gauze filter I have not used before...
after the thin stuff has gone through, always at the top, the other stuff is blocking the filter with congealed rubbish, instantly...

hmm.. :roll: heating up another half barrel now to see if heat lets it through funnel...
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Unread post by jgra1 »

have moved on to rot, in the camper :roll: :shock:
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Unread post by jgra1 »

temporarily moved back to emissions testing...

on http://www.midasrv.blogspot.com/ near bottom of page is a decent calibrated garage emissions tester.. the difference was that the 406 wsa at 2500 whereas my test at home, it was at 2000...

all i was trying to achieve was to see if my emissions tester was accurate, or even useful as a relative measure...

not sure I am any wiser :) I have two 406 v6 coupes for a while, so I can restest both of them on the one machine, to see if they are similar at least
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Unread post by CitroJim »

jgra1 wrote:have moved on to rot, in the camper :roll: :shock:
:shock: Looks worse than it is John. Luckily, it's repairable so long as the RV body is of "traditional" construction (i.e alloy skin, wooden frame, ply face withinsulation between). If it is "Bonded Sandwich" then it's a slightly different ball-game. Bonded Sandwich is a sheet of ally bonded to dense foam which in turn is bonded to a ply face. There's not much framework on those as a lot of strength comes from the bonding.

I once rebuilt the complete front of a tourer with damp ingress problems that had rotted the framework and ply badly. So badly, the ply facings just crumbled at the slightest touch!

It's not difficult and you only need basic woodworking skills.

It's a case of making new frames from ash, carefully removing the alloy panels and transferring them to the new frames and then finishing the job with new polystyrene insulation and new ply facings. It's a lot of dismantling and it needs to be done under cover in a nice dry place so the damp can dry out completely. The roof will be of similar sort of construction I guess and looking at the standing water, that's where the problem originates. All soaked/rotten wood needs to be replaced.

Is the floor OK as that again is bonded laminate construction usually with a layer of insulating material sandwiched between two layers of marine ply. Repairs to floors can be a bit tricky.

Clear silicone sealant is no good. All joints need to be sealed with bedding mastic to ensure a watertight seal that's resistant to vibration. W4 make a great one.

It's a great summer project and at the end you can feel rightly proud :D

Haynes do an excellent Caravan BoL by John Wickersham. It goes into these repair jobs fairly well, or at least the older editions did. I can lend you a copy if the newer version currently available glosses over this..

I'll be watching with interest John and as always, if you need any help, you know where I am...

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Unread post by jgra1 »

Jim give me a shout tonight :lol:

here is a caravan rebuild!

Love the van :D

http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fusea ... g/1/page/1
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Unread post by CitroJim »

jgra1 wrote: here is a caravan rebuild!

http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fusea ... g/1/page/1
:D Wonder if a Xantia could tow one :roll:

I do love Airstreams :P They're iconic. That is a wonderful project and I think the last post in that thread sums it up perfectly.
All I can say is...........WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm off out in a bit in dad's taxi John, but should be back by eight'ish unless said taxi has more work to do...

PM me your number and I'll give you a bell :D

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Unread post by citronut »

there's a guy comes to the CCC raleys in a decap DS with an SM (choped off masserati V6 lump ) under the lid, he usualy pulls an airstream van behind it

regards malcolm
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Unread post by jgra1 »

All I can say is...........WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
guess who said that :D

will pm you, no rush, dads been on at me asking what the correct wire was for fast idle on 306
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Unread post by CitroJim »

jgra1 wrote: will pm you, no rush, dads been on at me asking what the correct wire was for fast idle on 306
No worries John, I'll sort out the wiring for the cold advance..

Off to write a few more 4HP20 web pages in a bit. For a sneak preview, have a look at my website :wink:

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Unread post by jgra1 »

what is the site Jim :shock:

Dad was saying that there are two yellow wires that crimp together into a red, but the rest is unclear.. that sounds like a +12 already, meaning he is missing the unused ones...

back later :)
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Unread post by jgra1 »

chaps, here are 3 vids of my dads 306 smoking near the bike sheds...


A summary, car has had rebuilt head, new valve seals, and a change to a bosch pump.. although there is a chance that the pump timing may be still out..

it is said to 'billow embarassingly' when cold, but clears after a min or two.. revs dont seem to help.. I just hope nothing could be wrong with valve seals..

any thoughts?

there is a dip in revs on one vid which seems to coincide with a sly puff...

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Unread post by CitroJim »

Ohh, that is a bit smokey John :wink:

Me thinks a tad of fine tuning is in order as we could not sensibly do it last time with the cat issue.

When are you up for another run to Geordieland then :wink:

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Unread post by jgra1 »

morning Jim :D

um.. well dad is down oxford way at the end of month :shock:

I am not planning to go back there now for a while, unless I have to.. got a fair bit on here :D