Well it lasted a few days...
The radiator sprung a slight leak as documented in another post but is now being replaced byt the radiator people and will be sent to me this week i hope.
Also i think the head is gone and the battery is being drained badly by the door open issue still. Need to take the battery out and trickle charge it at some point but will pick the charger up from my mum and dads on thursday.
not had much time of late to look at it as i refuse to work on cars when the heat is this bad as i just get bad tempered with thigns and make them worse

also add into that i did my back in last week thanks to a FJORD S-Max pile of poo that i had to use to get long crendon and back in a 5hour stint(they do go well for a 2.0hdi

) and then manchester and back the next day and my back just said enough was enough so spent friday afternoon, eve and night in bed and felt much better saturday and recovered by sunday
Currently driving a Passat R TDI(110bhp i think) that feels ok but stalls very easily and the assist brake is very annoying sometimes if you forget to turn it off...
Going over to manchester via woodhead pass makes me miss the activa so much more, and Rachel saying that i should buy a better car once i pay my loan off in the next 8 months will free up £310 a month which is used C6 territory...
Im thinking of buying something electric for the trip to work and back or maybe something like the GM Volt, and then having the activa for weekend fun and go for a V6 conversion over time.... distant dreams eh!!
I may have to face facts and fix her up and sell her on as we have had 2 visits, 1 when rachel was out, asking if they could take the car away. i simply ask if they have £800 plus to pay for it. they laugh and i stand there and just say im serious

they soon give up and haven't been seen since!
I do have some of the engine bits off but need to drop the top mount off (which im sure a rubber bush has failed in as well, the far back one) and then tilt the engine forward and get the boost pipes off and see what i can get at on the turbo to drop the turbo and exhaust down off the back of the block and then think about the head. time is never my friend with these things and i can only see it being done at a weekend when the kids are away or taking a day off work to do it
I can exchange servers for anyone who wants the job
