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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by Citroening »

Citroenmad wrote:Im looking forward to seeing it once its road going :-D
Two weeks today?

No? :wink: :rolleyes:
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by red_dwarfers »

It's going to be very unlikely that she'll be ready for CXM I've decided, unless when she goes in for an MoT in the next few days (I've decided to live on the edge a bit and do it before the service) she passes or fails with only a few bits and pieces. Sleeping in the XM is also going to be miles more comfortable.

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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by CitroJim »

Wow, she's a beaut Kev and looks very tidy indeed :-D I'm loving that interior 8-)

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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by citronut »

wonderful Kev
now you have a proper citroen =D> =D> :lol: :wink:
Regards, malcolm.

current ride a BX 1.7 TZD estate
1986 MK1 BX 1.9na D Auto(in Mothman Andy's stable )
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by citronut »

DOMW wrote:
red_dwarfers wrote:The only thing missing from this is the original bill of sale!

I don't think it's going to be ready for any rallys this year. DVLA reckon 4 weeks for a new V5C. If out of pure luck it's mot'd and I have the v5c in my hands by the remaining rallies this year it will be going :D

It's being dropped off here on Friday :D
What style of V5 do you have? If its an 80s or 90s one, it may be worth going direct to your local DVLA office (Exeter). Fill out a V62 and hand over your old V5, they'll check everything out and start the process off there. From my experience, you generally get the logbook come through quicker and use can then keep the old style V5 as a memento without any trouble.

No costly postage stamps involved either, just the £20 in diesel to get you there! :lol:

We expect plenty of photos on Friday! :-D
i told a little porky when i transferd the reg of my D special to me,

i phoned DVLA and asked them were my V5C had got to as i had sent the old/original document off several weeks earlier :^o :^o to change her to my ownership,

they sent me the new V5C and i got to keep the old style document in the previous owners name [-X [-X
Regards, malcolm.

current ride a BX 1.7 TZD estate
1986 MK1 BX 1.9na D Auto(in Mothman Andy's stable )
layed up roppy 1.9TD XANT estate, now gone to meet her maker
purple and lilac metalic 2CV(VIOLET)registered to her in doors
1972 DS special been layed up aprox 31 years
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by Trainman »

That's lovely Kev, Brings memories flooding back from the one my old fella had........................... stunning

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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by red_dwarfers »

I was hoping to insure her today but according to the ABI list there isn't such thing as a GSA Club hatch, only an estate. This will be a laugh...

I'm going to give the DVLA a ring on Monday and get some more advice. I'm hoping that when they process the v5 it might be automatically added but I don't expect that to be the case.

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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by Citroenmad »

That is an odd one!

Might need to be Tuesday, what with the bank holiday and all ..
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by red_dwarfers »

Forgot about the bank holiday, cheers.

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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by vince »

Awesome Kev, that looks fantastic 8-)

The only problem see you having in that Kev is the line of us lot wanting a ride in it :lol:

Seriously cool dashboard....restore those plastics with a heat gun :wink: £15 i think in Tesco :) A heat gun i mean :P
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by Citroenmad »

Those plastics will come up a treat Kev, just as we were explaining at the ICCCR :lol:

Heat guns from Tesco for £15? Bargain! Might have to go and get one to give it a try out, shame all my cars have colour coded bumpers really :lol:
07 Citroen C6 V6 HDi Exclusive - Red
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by red_dwarfers »

Thanks for the reminder about the plastic I must admit I had forgotten. At least now it's in here I can't forget :lol:

I had completely forgotten that the XM's MOT ran out today. It was only when I put the phone down after booking in the GSA that something didn't feel quite right. After a quick phone call back they managed to squeeze the XM in aswell, fantastic!

Anyway, both failed. The XM on it's front pads and the GSA on a list of things. Quickly phoned GSF and they had some XM pads on the shelf. I've done one side this evening, I'll do the other tomorrow morning then take it back down for a retest.

In it's mock test, the G failed on the following:

Fogs and tell tale lamp not working
NS number plate lamp
Windscreen washers (I hear these aren't all that fantastically reliable on the GSA)
OS dipped beam aim (they will adjust if I free off the mechanism)
NSR suspension hard (spheres)
OSR seat not locking
OSR floor holed
OSR inner sill holed
NSR and OSR wheel arch holed
OSR tyre just below limit (I'm planning on fitting a new set of boots all round)
OSF floor holed
NS steering rack play
Rear exhaust holed
NS/OS handbrake low efficiency
NSR and OSR brake low efficiency (probably down to spheres and lack of weight in the boot)

He's a very helpful chap, took me around the car and chalked out the metal that needs welding. He was very impressed with the emissions test which is a good sign. I didn't fancy reconditioning an engine yet :lol:

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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by XantiaDaveEire »

You'll have your hands full for a good while to come yet with the GSA yet Kev :lol:
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by citronut »

red_dwarfers wrote: In it's mock test, the G failed on the following:

(1) Fogs and tell tale lamp not working
(2) NS number plate lamp
(3) Windscreen washers (I hear these aren't all that fantastically reliable on the GSA)
(4) OS dipped beam aim (they will adjust if I free off the mechanism)
(5) NSR suspension hard (spheres)
(6) OSR seat not locking
(7) OSR floor holed
(8) OSR inner sill holed
(9) NSR and OSR wheel arch holed
(10) OSR tyre just below limit (I'm planning on fitting a new set of boots all round)
(11) OSF floor holed
(12) NS steering rack play
(13) Rear exhaust holed
(14) NS/OS handbrake low efficiency
(15) NSR and OSR brake low efficiency (probably down to spheres and lack of weight in the boot)

He's a very helpful chap, took me around the car and chalked out the metal that needs welding. He was very impressed with the emissions test which is a good sign. I didn't fancy reconditioning an engine yet :lol:
(1) did he have the head lamps set to dip beam as they dont power up on main beam

(3) these are fin they just get stuck internaly as they are just an electo magnet and to operate them you press switch on off on off on off on off
on off ,(very economical with screen wash fluid ),
to fix if the body of the pump is not swollen up, remove from bottle/tank and gently tap/bang constantly till you hear the metal rod inside moving up and down on shaking it up and down, then apply 12V on and off on and off on and off on and off, now you should hear the rod going up on powering up and off on powering down,

(4) these are just threaded shanks with a nylon nut, if memory serves 11mm nylon nut,

(14) could firstly be surface rust on discs and or seconly need adjusting ( easy peasy ) jack one front wheel off the ground wind 8mm adjuster down till wheel locks up then back off adjuster till you can just rotate wheel not to freely though, and make sure the flat of the 8mm adjuster rests against the locking spring, repeat on other wheel,

(15) probably either surface rust on discs or pads stuck in the calipers as they get forgotten about on servicing, or dont get copper slipped on fitting,

pm sent
Regards, malcolm.

current ride a BX 1.7 TZD estate
1986 MK1 BX 1.9na D Auto(in Mothman Andy's stable )
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Re: Red Dwarfers Xantia and XM adventures

Unread post by citronut »


you need to be posting some of this in the G section/area :shock: :roll: :wink:
Regards, malcolm.

current ride a BX 1.7 TZD estate
1986 MK1 BX 1.9na D Auto(in Mothman Andy's stable )
layed up roppy 1.9TD XANT estate, now gone to meet her maker
purple and lilac metalic 2CV(VIOLET)registered to her in doors
1972 DS special been layed up aprox 31 years