This is what I got: ... K:MEWNX:IT ... K:MEWNX:IT ... K:MEWNX:IT
You'll also need a T to take off the boost pipe that goes to the UFO and a few jubilee clips.
The gauge needed some tape around it's rear to hold it in the pod.
The boost sensor sits behind the OS strut top, cable tied to the sphere's pipe to keep it neat.
It's black wire goes to one of the wing's bolts for earth, I've extended the red wire to run along the front of the engine bay to the battery.
The white signal wire goes through a gromet used by the scuttle, if you flex the scuttle out the way with a flat screwdriver, there's enough room to grab the end of the wire once you've fed it through the gromet, with a pair of long nosed pliers.
This then goes down the back of the top edge of the wing by the door, and out by the top hinge. I've fitted paddle connectors so I can remove it easily.
The wires from the gauge run down the side of the dash, the green signal wire goes out by the door hinge to connect to the white signal wire.
The yellow wire goes to the dimmer switch, I think the orange wire there rather than the yellow, I just nipped the wire coating and wrapped the yellow around it.
The red wire needs to go to an ignition feed, but I've not got around to sorting it out, so it too comes off the dimmer switch meaning the gauge only comes on when the lights are on.
Eventually I'll wire in spurs with paddle connectors (female and shielded) so the gauge can be removed if needed.
No more pump tweaking, next it's turbo tweaking