Xac's adventures with Cassy (and friends + wife)

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Unread post by davetherave »

Thats unlucky, the guy sounds like he needs to go back to driving school and practice manouvers. IT certainly doesnt look tight, but even if it was its no excuse.

If your not comfortable completing a a manouver without damaging someone elses car then dont do it.... :roll:

Hope you get it sorted.
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Unread post by myglaren »

He should be able to reverse a bus out of there - also he is in default of the law reversing out in the first place.
I priced the respray of a bumper for Laura's SAAB. £75.
Turned out she only needs the rubber insert but still.

She reversed into a Rover that was really blocking her exit from our parking slot, cost her £350 for a partial respray.
Then she clattered a BMW - £760 for a respray to the 'bumper' but a replacement piston on the 'real' bumper behind it.
£760 :shock:

She never reverses out of anywhere now!
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Unread post by KP »

Personally i would pay the £3 for an insurance check and then claim it through his insurance as you wont get a good VAT registered respray for under £50 for the bumper and have it match up right. they'd want to blend into the wings surely?

Go through your insurance and they often ask for excess. claim through his and you don't pay a penny and can claim back your wasted time as well.
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Unread post by Xaccers »

No need for the insurance check, if I contact Admiral and give them his reg and address, they'll do the rest.
I've got some friends who are re-sprayers (normally for barry boys though) so I'll see what they will price up.
I'm not paying a penny, so I'll either go to him with the costs, get the cash from him and sort it, or I'll be calling the insurance company and let them sort him out.
1.9TD+ SX Xantia Estate (Cassy) running on 100% veg
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Unread post by MikeT »

I can't understand how he didn't see the car he hit, even if he is incapable of manoeuvring in such a large space. If it were me, I wouldn't want the insurers informed (even though their T&C's probably state you have to) as it'll certainly be recorded and possibly be used to hike your next premium.
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Unread post by vince »

That wont matter Mike, your premiums get hiked every year anyway due to the national rise in claims every year, hence why yearly migrations to a new firm often work out best. It only directly affects you when you make a claim yourself.

That driver sounds like the guy across the road from us. Everyone on the street is apparently "parked too close" He's only got a C class merc...its not even big :lol: Xac that road looks ridiculously wide :)
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Unread post by DickieG »

Personally I'd be a little careful of rushing to contact his insurance company as you may find that it affects the cost of your own premium until the claim is finally settled which could take some considerable time. Yes you weren't even in the car when it was hit but a claim is a claim and insurance companies rarely like to miss an opportunity to add a few quid to a premium, even if they have to return the money at a later date they've still had the money in their bank in the meantime earning some interest.

Whatever sense of outrage you feel about the other driver you do live opposite him,,,,,,,,,,,
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Unread post by Xaccers »

DickieG wrote:Whatever sense of outrage you feel about the other driver you do live opposite him,,,,,,,,,,,
Exactly, so once I've got a rough idea of the cost of not going via insurance I'll head over to him and see what he says.
He honestly doesn't think he should be held responsible which I find bizarre, had it been the other way round, I'd have been straight over with my insurance details.
1.9TD+ SX Xantia Estate (Cassy) running on 100% veg
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Unread post by DickieG »

Xac wrote:He honestly doesn't think he should be held responsible which I find bizarre, had it been the other way round, I'd have been straight over with my insurance details.
I'd suggest his reaction is not all that unusual, very often when people make a mistake in life they look to divert the blame elsewhere the "Its not my fault, he did it" denial syndrome if you like, possibly down to shock. Once he's had a few days to come to the realisation of what's happened he may calm down and sort it out amicably with you, good luck with it.
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Unread post by Xaccers »

DickieG wrote:
Xac wrote:He honestly doesn't think he should be held responsible which I find bizarre, had it been the other way round, I'd have been straight over with my insurance details.
I'd suggest his reaction is not all that unusual, very often when people make a mistake in life they look to divert the blame elsewhere the "Its not my fault, he did it" denial syndrome if you like, possibly down to shock. Once he's had a few days to come to the realisation of what's happened he may calm down and sort it out amicably with you, good luck with it.
That's what I'm keeping my fingers crossed for.
Hopefully I'll be able to get a couple of estimates today and be able to pop over and see him tomorrow.
How it's paid for will be up to him, either from his own pocket or through his insurance company.
Personally I'm hoping it won't be that much in total and he'll see that I'm trying to save him money.
1.9TD+ SX Xantia Estate (Cassy) running on 100% veg
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Unread post by CitroJim »

I must admit I find his behaviour over this most bizarre. Mind you, I've seen this almost clinical denial before in other areas band events so as you say Richard, not all that unusual..

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Unread post by MikeT »

I'm reminded of finding my front bumper damaged late last year - the neighbour had no intention of owning up to it, I had go door-knocking to make enquiries. Thankfully, his wife was more conscientous(sp) and gave him such an earbashing he obediently delivered the readies when required.
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Unread post by Xaccers »

Gave Cassy a service last weekend, so had popped into Halfrauds to pick up some of the things I needed.
Jim and I had noticed a while back that the motorserv leak off pipes had gotten hard and started to split so we'd trimmed the ends off to stop it leaking, but I've still noticed veg around a couple of injectors.
Whilst in Halfrauds I couldn't see any so asked at the desk only to be told they don't do them any more, try motorserv. Thing is, while the Halfrauds ones do go hard with age, they don't crumble like motorserv ones.

Anyway, while at Finmere I gave Cassy the service she needed, and got her up on the ramps there to lube her rear corrector.
She's always been a bit hard at the back, and a bit low.
I didn't have an 11mm socket so couldn't make any adjustments, so I left it for this weekend as I was due to drop the rental guns off.

Yesterday morning I was looking up bulbs on Halfrauds' website and decided to search for leak off pipes, they had them under spill off pipes, and said the local store had some in stock, so I reserved them.
Went to the desk, and was handed them by the same staff member who'd said they no longer do them!

I've raised the back up a bit, so now there's a finger width between the arch and the wheel, but not always, sometimes she sticks back at her old height, with the arch just below the top of the wheel.
The dog bone is quite loose on it's ball, so I'm thinking it's worn down and in need of replacement as there's quite a bit of play in it.
I may also have lost a sphere as my LHM dropped a 100ml or so.
1.9TD+ SX Xantia Estate (Cassy) running on 100% veg
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Unread post by Xaccers »

Had a productive day at Finmere today.
Jacked the back of Cassy up and removed the HC to give it a good clean as per Jim's guide.
While I could get the nut and disc off, and prise the end rings slightly, I could not get them off, definitely need a vice as Jim says.
The LHM coming out the return spigot was not a very nice colour, like a dark grey, so it is definitely in need of a proper clean.
As I couldn't get it apart, I refitted the nut and disc and dribbled fresh LHM into the feed holes and worked the valve to flush as much gunky LHM out as I could.
Refitting it is fun, definitely fit the pipe that goes over the top of the A/S sphere (or remove the A/S sphere) first.

She's now running at the right height and is now much softer.
Not as soft as Jenny, but maybe after properly cleaning both her HC's she will be.
Definitely a job to add to the "So you've bought a 10+ year old Xantia? Here's what you should do..." list.
1.9TD+ SX Xantia Estate (Cassy) running on 100% veg
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Unread post by Xaccers »

Spent a lovely day over at Jim's working on Cassy.

I replaced her cam belt and water pump, would have taken about 3 hours to do but I got distracted chatting with Jim and having cups of tea, and pizza for lunch.

Also replaced the rear brake pads, the old ones had about 1.5mm left on them and were starting to squeal :oops:
But then they are 4-5 years old.

Actually, that's got me thinking, when did I last change tyres on Cassy?
Well, I've gone through my previous posts and it was, wait for it, 8th March 2010!
These P6's are over a year old and still have loads of tread left on them, and that's with the tracking being off for most of the time!
Considering they were cheaper than the usual Michelin Energy's I usually had fitted by Costco, and they grip like UHU, I think I'll be sticking with them across my fleet!
1.9TD+ SX Xantia Estate (Cassy) running on 100% veg
1.9TD SX Xantia Hatchback (Jenny) running on 100% veg for sale
Laguna II 2.0dCi Privilege (Monty)

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