Vince's XM...213k and slowing....

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Re: Vince's XM...211k and rising....

Unread post by vince »

Damn, one of the items ive been outbid on.....i'll put in my max bid on them and if i get outbid then at least i tried....i wouldnt want to pay more than im bidding anyway.

This is what i was after for the xm.....with the Citroen/Maserati connection i think they would compliment it well. ... fresh=true" onclick=";return false;

Dont get your hopes up too much guys on the condition of the probably doesnt look much different to the last time you saw it :lol: It just got very grubby over winter so its been rejuvinated somewhat :wink:
1993 Citroen xm 2.1td, silver/grey, bowling ball wheel trims, 210k and climbing...