The wheels are the main problem. Structurally they're perfect but cosmetically they really do look like they've spent several years at sea...
The spanners have been out in force today and first up was getting my V6 ready for MOT later this week. I replaced the drop links as the rubber boots were non-existent and that was after a year

Sadly, I found one fault which hopefully won't affect the MOT and it's a strange one. The offside inboard CV joint boot must have a pinhole in it and I inly noticed it as there is a neat line of grease on the rear of the engine and up over the timing covers in a direct line with the boot. There is not a spot of grease evident on the boot itself so the MOT man will not see it unless he is remarkably eagle-eyed. Time for a new bot kit and I guess this is Stealer only... To not do it risks premature wear on the CV joint and the cost of automatic driveshafts are eye-watering...
Apart from that, all is tickitty-boo...
Toby visited today with his 406 Coupe to fix the MOT fail points on the front suspension. I shall say no more here except to say it was a battle. Toby will no doubt relate the story in his blog...
I met the new owners today of the house opposite. They saw bonnets up, saw the inside of my garage, saw two Xantais and one Peugeot being worked on and asked if I was a mechanic and worked from home. I think they were somewhat relieved when I explained it was just a hobby and that Toby was a friend suffering MOT failure.
I replaced the pump O ring on the Silver Activa so touch-wood, that is that car now fully sorted. Thanks for the O ring Xac