Oh dear Lord, what a battle. My Project Activa has fought me until the very last
I reported earlier that the flexi part of the power steering supply pipe was weeping a bit. Well, on Monday it decided to cry big green tears rather than just weep and it was leaking too badly to use the car.
I bit the bullet and bought a new pipe complete from our local stealer and it arrived on Wednesday. I spent Wednesday evening until late and all of this evening fitting the damm thing. What an incredibly rotten job
Access to the pinion valve is rubbish and strictly, the NS drive shaft needs to come out to get the pipe out from where it snakes along the chassis rail by the gearbox and down the rear of the subframe.
Typically, the new pipe was the wrong one

It had a "normal" flare on the pinion vale end rather than a Citroen flare and rubber seal. It could have been a showstopper but luckily the boss into which the pipe fits on the pinion valve can be removed and replaced with a later type. Luckily I had one on a spare rack. Only problem was access and the strange hex of the boss. It was half way between 19 and 20mm

I found a 20mm hex socket on the end of a universal joint would just do the job.
I found the pipe could just be got out and in without removing the driveshaft but it's a real puzzle and both the inboard CV joint and the activa ram piping gets in the way. Somehow I managed it.
So, that's the end now. I have driven the car and no leaks. I can now use the car and no doubt, knowing what a battle that car has been, it'll soon give more issues
Funnily, despite all, I still enjoy it although it is soon time to take a rest from cars for a bit as I am getting just a bit jaded now.
Tomorrow I will be getting my V6 ready for the MOT. I have new drop links to fit as the rubbers on them have completely gone despite them being new last MOT..
I don't think there are any other problems on it. We'll see tomorrow...