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Unread post by CitroJim »

superloopy1 wrote:[quote="CitroJim]I shall do as the Anglian Windows man used to say. "You only fit them once, so fit the best!"
Was that not Ted Moult, he of the 'Everest' ad :?:[/quote][/quote]

Yes, It was Mike! I can picture him saying those immortal words too...

Sorry, I got confused as I actually bought a set of Anglian windows for the house I owned in the 80s, believing them better than the Everest offering at the time...

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Unread post by myglaren »

superloopy1 wrote:
CitroJim wrote:I shall do as the Anglian Windows man used to say. "You only fit them once, so fit the best!"
Was that not Ted Moult, he of the 'Everest' ad :?:
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Thanks Steve,

That brought a few memories back. They don't make adverts like they used to do they? Good old Ted. Spoken like he really believed it...

Just been out in the V6. I cannot believe how much difference resetting the front ride height has made :D Maybe driving the Activa these past 10 days has changed my perception but the V6 feels even more like a magic carpet than it did. Speed humps are nearly non-existent and bad potholes are more heard than felt...

Hope it lasts and it is not just my imagination or an attack of PARS*...

*Post Activa Ride Syndrome

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Unread post by xantia_v6 »

CitroJim wrote:Th
Just been out in the V6. I cannot believe how much difference resetting the front ride height has made :D Maybe driving the Activa these past 10 days has changed my perception but the V6 feels even more like a magic carpet than it did. Speed humps are nearly non-existent and bad potholes are more heard than felt...

Hope it lasts and it is not just my imagination or an attack of PARS*...
I believe you Jim...

When I first got my V6, the ride was quite harsh at the front compared to my old VSX. I fitted new front spheres with no improvement, took it to Pelaides for them to check out, and they said there was nothing wrong with it. I then lowered the front ride height by about 40mm, and the ride was magically better.

Over 100,000 miles since then and the front height has crept back up (a little worse than yours, I think), so I am looking forward to the improvement when it is reset.
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Unread post by myglaren »

CitroJim wrote:
Just been out in the V6. I cannot believe how much difference resetting the front ride height has made :D Maybe driving the Activa these past 10 days has changed my perception but the V6 feels even more like a magic carpet than it did. Speed humps are nearly non-existent and bad potholes are more heard than felt...
Oddly enough I was stuck behind a beemer this evening and thought that instead of spending all that money you could just fit flat spheres to a Xantia.
Except Xantia's don't smoke like beemers do :(
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Unread post by Citroenmad »

I never used to be one for softly sprung cars, i thought i always liked harder cars. However i find it very diffuclt to go in a normal car now, nothing is as good, other cars are just boring and harsh.
07 Citroen C6 V6 HDi Exclusive - Red
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Unread post by myglaren »

Citroenmad wrote:I never used to be one for softly sprung cars, i thought i always liked harder cars. However i find it very diffuclt to go in a normal car now, nothing is as good, other cars are just boring and harsh.
I had a spin around in daughter #3's Saab 900 cabriolet on Sunday.
It is a lot of fun to drive and the seats are superb, plenty of toys but the ride is certainly no match for a Citroen hydraulic.

A kid in a new Astra sport wanted to race. Didn't do so well :twisted:
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Unread post by Citroenmad »

I do like a fun and entertaining car to drive from time to time. The C5 grips very well and it can be thrown around surprisingly well, but its obviously not sporty. Though after a while a normal car becomes annoying. When the ride becomes tiring and i get bored of being bounced around. Im left sitting there thinking "this is really harsh, where is the suspension, why is it so noisey, where is my C5". :roll:

Ideally id like a sporty car and a big Citroen, that would be my ideal garage.

Though one car does both of those in a way, the Activa!

Nice work on your project Jim, seems its coming together. 8-)
07 Citroen C6 V6 HDi Exclusive - Red
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Unread post by myglaren »

Citroenmad wrote:
Ideally id like a sporty car and a big Citroen, that would be my ideal garage.
I was surprised to find that the C6 did very well on that score, despite JC's comments to the contrary.

Hustled along those dark country lanes at an alarming speed in a very assured, quiet and comfortable manner.

Had all the qualities of a Jaguar (Grace, Space & Pace...) and then some!
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Unread post by CitroJim »

myglaren wrote: Oddly enough I was stuck behind a beemer this evening and thought that instead of spending all that money you could just fit flat spheres to a Xantia.
Except Xantia's don't smoke like beemers do :(
Steve ! :D :D

You've done it! You've found a niche in the market for flat spheres :wink:

They'll sell like hot cakes now. Fit these Myglaren Specials and transform your Xantia into a Beemer...

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Unread post by DickieG »

CitroJim wrote:
myglaren wrote: Oddly enough I was stuck behind a beemer this evening and thought that instead of spending all that money you could just fit flat spheres to a Xantia.
Steve ! :D :D

You've done it! You've found a niche in the market for flat spheres :wink:

They'll sell like hot cakes now. Fit these Myglaren Specials and transform your Xantia into a Beemer...
Err Beemers aren't that bad, try an Audi A6 or Saab 9-5 Aero they really do sort out loose fillings :evil:
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Unread post by CitroJim »

DickieG wrote:try an Audi A6 or Saab 9-5 Aero they really do sort out loose fillings :evil:
Is that why their drivers never seem to be the most happy and contented of souls? It must be purgatory for them. I really do now feel genuiney sorry for them and next time an Audi driver is guilty of a misdomeanor whilst negotiating the Queens's highway I shall be most forgiving.

Saab drivers though are another matter given they're just thinly disguised Vauxhall drivers...

I visited our loacl Stealers yesterday, Perrys of Bletchley. They are rather good for spares. Ring 'em up and quote a part number and they'll get it in for you and give you a ring when ready for collection. Nearly as good as mail order :D

They deal in both Citroen and Peugeot although they seem more biassed to the Lion Rampant. To be fair though, they've been Pug dealers since they gave up Dagenham Dustbins about ten years ago and have only just taken on the Double Chevrons following the closure of a dealership in the north of the City...

I now have a fistful of XM steering ram gaiters for Activa Ram repairs and a V6 manifold gasket ready for when I do my leaky camboxes.

No chance to look at either subject last evening as it was Sioany's birthday yesterday. She's now 15... Time flies...

On the face of it, the XM gaiters look perfect for the front ram although they don't look as if they will stretch enough for a rear one.

The V6 cambox job I shall have a dry-run on the spare engine I have before attacking the job for real...

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Unread post by CitroJim »

It's been a busy few days but very enjoyable....

Big problems at work saw me finally get home from there on Friday evening at 21:45 after starting work at 07:20 :twisted:

Whilst at work on Friday evening I received a call from the girls asking if I'd pick them up from the railway station at 00:30 on Saturday morning :twisted: They went to a gig in Birmingham..

Saturday saw John (jgra1), Toby_HDI and I travel to Chesterfield to recover a complete LPG system from a crashed V6 406 Coupe to be fitted to John's car. I was a truly great day and very thoroughly enjoyed :D

Before the arrival of John and Toby, I got a little more work done on the Activa Ram project and in doing so made two interesting discoveries: The XM leakback gaiters will repair both a front and rear ram and the outer metal sleeve over the ram proper (the one that channels leakage from the top down to the collection collar) has an oil seal in the top of it that rides on the ram piston. The seal is a pretty ordinary one and looks to be replaceable if one of a suitable size can be found.

I am now of the belief that if the ram piston is good (not scored) there is a good chance of bringing virtually all leaky rams back to good order.

Looking at the XM leakback gaiter and how it would seal on a front ram, I decided that the sealing area was rather corroded to effect a good seal so I skimmed it smooth in the lathe...


I then experimentally fitted the gaiter:


And at the bottom, that looks good. In this picture the outer sleeve and concertina is not fitted. I did try fitting up the gaiter with the outer sleeve in place but found the splayed part at the bottom fouls the pipe spigot so the sleeve will need trimming.

The yellow pointer here in this picture shows by how much. It also shows a rear ram with a gaiter in place. On the rear, the gaiter is a good, snug fit on the bottom of the ram body but again the sleeve will be too long...


Which brings up another problem; that of securing and fitting the protective concertina and securing it. It will need trimming and a new lower attachment method devised.

It's all coming along... After this, I'm planning trying to make new hydractive electrovalve bodies...

Today I've spent mainly with Robyn. We gave her 206 a good check-over and I taught her how to change a wheel. It took her a while to find the wheelbrace :lol:

After playing cars we raided the rhubarb patch in the garden and made a rather tasty crumble :D

A great weekend all in all, loads of variety and interest but not quite as much sleep as perhaps desirable. Still, I can have a day off in the week to make up for effectively working two days on Friday 8-)

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Unread post by vince »

Not exactly sure what you mean Jim with the problem of fitting the sleeve etc. Do you need to fit the sleevs (with the yellow arrow) over the rubber bit with the pipe sticking out of it at 45degrees?

If so could you not make a hole in the sleeve and feed the pipe through it and then seal the bottom of the pipe into place with silicone?

Perhaps im way off the mark with my understanding :lol:
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Unread post by CitroJim »

No, I really ought to have ended the bit on Activa rams with a "To Be Continued..." Vince :oops:

All will shortly become clear!

Runner, cyclist, duathlete, Citroen AX fan and the CCC Citroenian 'From A to Z' Columnist...