It's been a busy few days but very enjoyable....
Big problems at work saw me finally get home from there on Friday evening at 21:45 after starting work at 07:20
Whilst at work on Friday evening I received a call from the girls asking if I'd pick them up from the railway station at 00:30 on Saturday morning

They went to a gig in Birmingham..
Saturday saw John (jgra1), Toby_HDI and I travel to Chesterfield to recover a complete LPG system from a crashed V6 406 Coupe to be fitted to John's car. I was a truly great day and very thoroughly enjoyed
Before the arrival of John and Toby, I got a little more work done on the Activa Ram project and in doing so made two interesting discoveries: The XM leakback gaiters will repair both a front and rear ram and the outer metal sleeve over the ram proper (the one that channels leakage from the top down to the collection collar) has an oil seal in the top of it that rides on the ram piston. The seal is a pretty ordinary one and looks to be replaceable if one of a suitable size can be found.
I am now of the belief that if the ram piston is good (not scored) there is a good chance of bringing virtually all leaky rams back to good order.
Looking at the XM leakback gaiter and how it would seal on a front ram, I decided that the sealing area was rather corroded to effect a good seal so I skimmed it smooth in the lathe...
I then experimentally fitted the gaiter:
And at the bottom, that looks good. In this picture the outer sleeve and concertina is not fitted. I did try fitting up the gaiter with the outer sleeve in place but found the splayed part at the bottom fouls the pipe spigot so the sleeve will need trimming.
The yellow pointer here in this picture shows by how much. It also shows a rear ram with a gaiter in place. On the rear, the gaiter is a good, snug fit on the bottom of the ram body but again the sleeve will be too long...
Which brings up another problem; that of securing and fitting the protective concertina and securing it. It will need trimming and a new lower attachment method devised.
It's all coming along... After this, I'm planning trying to make new hydractive electrovalve bodies...
Today I've spent mainly with Robyn. We gave her 206 a good check-over and I taught her how to change a wheel. It took her a while to find the wheelbrace
After playing cars we raided the rhubarb patch in the garden and made a rather tasty crumble
A great weekend all in all, loads of variety and interest but not quite as much sleep as perhaps desirable. Still, I can have a day off in the week to make up for effectively working two days on Friday