And why did you not pop in an say hello then Xac? You went nearly past my house.Xac wrote: On the way back, the 421 was solid, so I came off and TomTom took me the scenic route home via Newport Pagnell and many winding roads
That scenic route I use a lot and when I first got my first Activa I was really hustling it around the bends on that road and nearly dropped ity in a ditch when I found out just how dangerous a bad Activa is

Happy to say I'm a lot better today and just about back to normal. I took a run down to Somerset to see dad today as it was his birthday and I completely forgot until last evening

The V6 purred all the way down and back

I shall be looking into interim ram repairs soon. I'm going to search out some heavy-duty heatshrink and see if a bandage around the weepy seal will work. It has to be worth an experiment, given the cost and lead-time on replacements.
I'm also going to make some proper mandrels for pressing ram bushes in and out in-situ as odd sockets are not really the best way. Xac, do you want to be guinea-pig to test them when I've made them?
Then I'll be back to refurbishing a 4HP20 so I have a good one in stock...