A cold but beautifully sunny day until the rain came at dusk

Firstly, I've found a way to combat my cold hands in this weather. I tried some "Thinsulate" gloves and pulled the nitrile gloves over the top. I'm a bit banana-fingered like that but at least it keeps my hands warm.
So, hands suitably kept warm, I attacked the V6 dismemberment with a new keenness today

Difficult bits today were getting the gear selector console/cable out. That is a real pain and I sincerely hope none of us auto drivers ever have any selector cable problems

I also got the brake dosuer out and that's not exactly a stroll in the park either

Mostly though, it was just straight disassembly.
Xac came round to sort out his roll problems on his Activa and to fit a bumper. I'd found him a spare roll corrector mechanism but it was very firmly seized. After some Plus Gas, a bit of encouragement and a long bath in used hydraflush it came good and Xac fitted it. The job was a good 'un and his car looks better for a new bumper on the front. Once Xac fits his new rear bumper his Activa will be looking very smart indeed

I experienced my first real ruptured sphere today. I'd already "cracked" the rear spheres long ago but remarkably there was still considerable pressure in the rear hydractive sphere and corners. It shows the anti-sink valve works well!
On removing one corner I was greeted by an absolute deluge of LHM and was staggered to observe the sphere spray a needle-fine jet of LHM from its damper hole for a good two or three minutes with some force

The ruptured sphere would be the reason the car used to sink at the back.
A gentleman came by and asked if we were servicing cars (!) No, not servicing exactly but could we help? He was after a jamjar of old oil to help kill the stump of a tree he'd just felled. Apparently you drill holes into the stump, fill them with old oil and it does the job....
Anyways, I took him to my waste oil container and asked him how much he'd like of the 20 or so litres I have... He had to pass the scrap V6 on the way and when he saw the front of it, his jaw fell open. The car still looks complete and tidy from the rear but the front is a very different story. Dismembered totally is the best description

Tomorrow, weather permitting, it'll be off with the rear arms and the shell will be virtually ready for the scrapman

Yesterday I ran my V6 down to Somerset and back. A great trip on deserted roads and she just purred from start to end. Running on V Power petrol she returned brilliant economy too