Nothing to report on the car front at all... The Xantias are virtually in hibernation and the Pug of Love, when occasionally used, seems to be fine...
I'm keen to get cracking on Gabriel's clutch and heater matrix but at the moment I have no time at all - sporting activities are currently taking all my time.
I've spent all the spare time this week doing all the behind the scenes work required of me as duty Run Director to ensure this Saturday's
Linford Wood parkrun goes smoothly. It's a special occasion this week as it's the 50th running and I'm responsible for it! No pressure then!
I've baked a cake in celebration of the event...
But honestly, you'd never believe just how much work goes into a parkrun and I still have a bit to do before tomorrow morning...
I've not even cycled this week I've been so busy... I did however get out for a decent run last evening with my local running club and gave my new running top a début
- Own Work
It certainly got noticed and a few explanations were called for
The next few weeks will be quieter and as soon as possible work will commence on Gabriel - I'm really starting to miss working properly on cars rather than just talking about it on here... It seems like weeks since I've spent any quality time in the workshop... I've only been in there briefly to do small bike-related jobs
That will soon change