Firstly, my apologies for being a bit conspicuous by my absence around here just lately

I have to confess my V6 project has been the focus of my activities and as usual, it's been a busy old week generally. 'Nuff said
From Friday evening right through to Sunday I planned that I had a completely free weekend and I could really get cracking on the V6...
The best laid plans and so on
Note, the following is very off-topic and has nothing to do with cars...
Friday evening I had a whole plan of V6 gearbox work but to be honest, after a mad week at work, I was as shattered as a shattered thing and just collapsed in front of the telly
This morning did not start well. For several weeks I've been botherd by a patch of peeling paint on the wall of my downstairs loo. I thought it was a bit of damp but I could not work out from where. My house is 31 years old so is well damp-coursed etc. so I looked around for a reason that could not be blamed on a wet winter. I found it this morning. A long-standing drip from the cold water feed into my washing machine

Judging by the mayhem behind my washing machine it had been dripping for years and it had soaked into the walls

I had no clue

No damp smells, no obvious damp by the machine. You'd have thought it would have leaked out onto the kitchen floor and shwed up, but no. I reckon the floor slopes the wrong way for that to have happened.
All fixed now, just got to let it all dry out and I reckon that'll take years
Those that know me will know that I try to keep my house very clean and tidy. It's a bit care-worn (read homely) in places but I do like it spotlessly clean and tidy. In doing the washing machine today It dawned on me that I'd not done any serious housework for three weeks and things were going a bit down from my preferred standard. Cue a big spring-clean and bout of housework to restore that standard.
After the house was brought ito order, it was then the turn of the front (not exactly a garden) to be brought to order as it was looking scruffy after the winter. That done I gave the garage and drive a good clean-up despite it being full of a V6 in bits and a V6 gearbox in bits respectively....
Right, that's the end of the off-topic bit. Now we can get back to the cars
I've been using my Activa a bit this week as it had been standing for a week and a half and badly in need of a few runs. Plus I'd not checked it over for a couple of weeks so both the Activa and 2.1TD were subjected to their thorough weekly checks. Both passed with nothing more than a hoover-out and a dust of the dashes

Considering my 2.1TD completed an epic journey last weekend it showed no signs of it as regard fluid levels or anything breaking and this week it's been as good as gold; the "Geordie Tuneup" seems to have done the trick
Both could do with a good wash. Maybe tomorrow
That's the work all done
I'm a bit funny as before I can go out to play cars (and that means the V6 at the moment) I must get the chores out of the way and that includes giving my fleet their weekly checks..
I did find time to play V6 gearboxes this evening and the latest instalment of that saga can be read in the usual place. Just off to write it now and then I really must catch up on what has been happening on the forum generally...