They're all rusty Mike and really not fit for service but I'm sure I can find a better set for you.MikeT wrote: p.s. If this report means you've got a pump for spares, could I please have the governor idle spring set (at end and outside of governor cage) as either me or the cat's have hidden mine?
Do you mean the springs that press on the throttle plate between it and the distributor head? And do you mean the actual governor cage?
I've been a bit busy recently and apart from the visit to Duxford on Sunday, I have been totally occupied with learning Java to enable me to write a web application. last week the only thing I knew about Java was that it was a programming language so the learning curve was very steep!
My first task was to by a book called "Learn Java in 24 hours". Whilst the title was a tad optimistic it did allow me to gain a fundamental understanding and it's culminated in me getting the essential bits of a servlet-based application running on Apache Tomcat. It was a bit of "in at the deep end" as this application needs to query a database from parameters given in the website URL and display the results in a web page. It just needs tidying and exception catching to be completed now before it goes into use.
My first choice for such a job would have been to use PHP (the language this forum is written in) but that avenue was not open to me.
Java is a lovely language once you get the gist of it; the biggest problem by far is that there is an absolute dearth of clearly written documentation. It all seems to be written by semi-illiterate geeks who have a love of big and obscure words. In short, the documentation is pretty impenetrable

The book I mentioned is thankfully one that is very much an exception and for a computer book is surprisingly readable

I've missed a lot of happenings on the forum as a result but will catch up over the coming days...
I must confess to feeling a tad proud of what I've achieved...
Hopefully, this weekend I can get back to playing cars. I must make sure mine is Ok before taking possession of Robyn's 206 whilst she is in Iceland for a week on a geography field trip (the country, not the shop although I'm sure many women could spend a week in that shop

It will be good to get back to the spanners after my enforced Java immersion...