Very intuitive Will
The knee is unfortunately dictating it will be an automatic and due to other demands on my time it won't be a biggie of a project...
The knee is not good and it's a funny one. Walking is no bother and standing is no bother. If I sit for any time it makes its presence very heavily felt when I get up and try to walk and the angle and pressure needed to operate even a light clutch is painful and difficult. More than once I've commenced a journey in the Activa and had to abandon it in favour of the automatic simply as I don't feel 100% comfortable or in total control of a manual car
Strange, to see me walking (once the knee has loosened up) you'd never suspect a problem. See me get up from an office chair after having sat for an hour or so and it looks like I'm going to fall over. I look a right cripple...
Any doctors out there with a diagnosis? I'll be off to see mine in the not too distant...
I'm not selling the red Activa as I do hope the knee issue is temporary and not a chronic condition related to old age. And anyway, I can still manage short runs in it.
It's also limiting on the amount of spannering I can realistically do at the moment so some rest is assured.
I can still write though!
KP wrote:though the riding at the minute does seem to be helping me stay trim
You see, there's a positive side to everything Will, as they say, it's an ill wind that blows no good...
Hope the time and energy to get the HG sorted is soon with you.. You'll be getting Activa withdrawal symptoms soon...