ACTIVE8 wrote:
Well they do say it takes some balls to run/own a Citroen.

Oh dear, what a week

It's been crazy. I've barely had time to do the routine forum admin recently, let alone make any reasonable contribution to all the really good threads running at the moment.
All is very happy and good in CitroJim land, just very hectic and busy. The old adge that there are just not enough hours in the day is spot-on for me right now. sadly, the FCF has had to take a bac-seat. Even if I'm not actively posting, be sure I still look in a few times a day and always make time for the backups and routine forum admin.
I've taken on a new role at work and at present I'm doing both my new job and most of my old one as well. It's great fun and teriffically enjoyable and in time it'll settle but for now, both aspects of my job are very busy. I've been working long hours and my new job does not allow such free access to the internet as the old one did
Then there's the family who have been keeping me very busy, both the young 'uns and the very old 'uns - in fact tomorrrow Activa and I have to take a spin down to Somerset...
Over the months I've been getting more and more involved in our local Majorette troupe, the Black Diamonds. Our troupe is going from strength to strength and following our competition success in Clacton the other week we've been considered good enough to join "Twirlers UK". In fact we did not have a choice really but that means we must take part in six competitions next year and host one of them. Busy times ahead and I, by stealth, have become involved in the planning and organisation of all of this. Basically my girls volounteered me and the troupe leader sort of assumed I'd be keen to get involved after generally showiing myself to be a willing and helpful parent in the past. In truth, I had no choice. You don't argue with our troupe leader and live to tell the tale
Nothing of note to report on the Xantia front except to say that all three are going fine. My friend who currently has custody of my 1.9TD loves her to bits

If he were not off on an overseas posting in April I think he'd have her for good.
Let's hope next week will be a bit quieter on both work and home fronts but somehow I fear it'll be even busier..
And then it'll be Christmas. I hate Christmas

Well, not Christmas itself, I love that but all the preset buying, the crowds and general silliness really does my head in big time. I'm the worlds most terrible present buyer - I havn't a clue. Birthdays are the same. Robyn is 16 next week and I'm still struggling for a present for her.
Enough rambling. I'll try to make my next entry a bit more about my cars rather than about me

I've still got a diesel pump in a million bits strewn across my bench patiently awaiting my attention