Been a pretty hectic few weeks and computer time has been limited but things have quitened down so here goes.
Decided to give the 2.1 another oil change way back on the 7th of august and shortly afterwards she decided to start rattling like an old transit van from around 1800 - 2200 revs but only intermittently.It would drive fine for 6 miles or so and then start the rattle for a few miles then go back to behaving
Dropped it off at my friendly garage to have a look over it but they dont have the correct equipment so a call to CitroJim made things a lot clearer
Unfortunately i have got no further in my diagnosis except to say that this week she has not made a murmer
The reason for my stalled progress was a call from SWMBO on the 11th to say her Mum( who had been hospital since 8th) had had a siezure followed by a cardiac arrest and was not responding to treatment.
That night we piled SWMBO,the boy,the dog and myself into the VSX and set off to Glasgow for the 500 mile trip in a car that had only done an 80 mile round trip before.
Unfortunately Mum failed to recover and passed away on Monday 16th quite peacefully in her sleep,as she had been since 1pm on the 11th.
The funeral was on Friday 20th and we returned home overnight on the 22nd.
The VSX did us proud effortlessly clocking up the miles,a total of 1458 miles in 11 days and returned 38 MPG which considering i was a little heavy footed on the way up i was more than happy with and not a single drop of oil,water or LHM needed to be topped up
Andrew i can only say you were right its a really sound car
And it really is a Motorway Mileage Muncher
Finally just a big thankyou to those of you i was able to communicate with whilst everything was going on, you know who you are