Blimey is it really 3 months since i last updated this blog
Well just a little has happened in what has been a hectic few monts
Finally managed to get round to removing some bits from the 1.9n/a that have been stashed away in my pile of spares for a rainy day as both my Xantias were MK1s.
Now not all my hard work has gone to waste the rear arms and alarm ecu and reciever along with the HP pump and rear height corrector will come in useful imsure as will the pressure regulator some time soon
However most of these spares were aquired with the sole purpose of getting my 1.9td uptogether and ready for its MOT at the end of this month.
Sadly for me the 1.9td threw its aux belt tensioner pulley along with the bottom pulley and sent the remains of the belt into the cambelt area
Howerver i do like to think im an optamist and most things turn out well in the end
Well the 1.9td has now passed to another owner who is willing to spend the time and money on getting her back on the road,both of which were in very short supply for me.With 3 weeks tax and test left i think i did well to get £150
Now as a family we still need 2 cars and to that end i was actively searching for a replacement vehicle and it doesnt take a genius to guess what marque i was looking at
No No Not a ruddy Vaux"""l
Now shes a 1998 R plate 2.1TD Sx MK2 (ish) with A/C and a Sunroof with 125k on the clock in my favourite shade of blue
Advertised for £350 i got her for the princely sum of £190 complete with 6 months tax and test
Some minor problems were the interior blower was not working although the rear screen heater was,a problem solved by delving into the spares shed as was the non heating drivers mirror glass
Both cooling fans are a bit sticky but that again will be resolved from a visit to the spares cupboard.The lack of wheel trims has been resiolved as will the icing on the cake,the n/s front foglamp having the glass missing.
Whilst negotiating the price it was mentioned about the foglamp and the reply was there was a replacement BNIB somewhere but it could not be located so £60 was deducted.
On returning home with the car it was discovered that the box in the boot did in fact contain said foglamp
Genuine mudflaps will be fitted shortly as will a complete replacement of all dash bulbs

although i believe this is easier on a MK2 than a MK1
It does appear to be riding a bit high on the front but better pictures will follow soon
A minor problem it does have is with the fuel pump running on a bit when switched off but fingers crossed that is work in progress.
Whilst all this hectic buying/selling/borrowing a vechle over the last week was going on we had to attend a couple of interviews/assesments for the boy as he attempts to decide what he wants to do with his GCSE subjusts for the next 2 years
Its a long time since i was at school but the subjects have changed beyond all recognition
He is hopefully going to be accepted on a college course heavily based in all aspects of engineering with an add on course of motor vehicle technition cover the basics of minor/major vehicle repair/vehicle electics/body repair and respray.In addition to this 1 day a week college course/1 day a month company placement he is also doing resistant materials (i think this is a combination of woodwork/metalwork) along with history,english and english lit,maths,ict,triple science(chemistry physics biology

) oh im so glad im not at school now
Well like i said, a quite few months, could be busier i suppose