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Unread post by MikeT »

citrojim wrote:Funnily, speaking of colours, Xantias look good in silver as well which is strange as most cars look dreadfully drab in silver.
I don't think it is silver paint Jim. I heard a rumour that to save costs, they just lacquer straight over the grey primer hence the reason so many cars are that colour. :lol: As long as it looks good and lasts, who cares though? I agree, some cars look awful but the Xantia shape works well in grey/silver.
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Unread post by MikeT »

Now I've got 12months MOT I can look forward to the next move - do I sell or keep?

Everytime I start the car from cold it puts my teeth on edge with the noises I hear - aux belt rhythmically squealing makes me anxious due to previous experiences, as does the shaking-bolts-in-tin noises from the engine internals. The former soon fades as does the clatter but not entirely.

The car is definately not set at the correct height (front and rear looks as if it's at intermediate) and there is a suspected droplink failure.

All these will need to be investigated if I am to keep it. Additionally, I'll be wanting to change the cambelt and water pump, thermostat - possibly the tensioners too? The LHM, engine oil and coolant will get flushed and replaced. Then there's the A/C system that, I suspect at a minimum, will require a complete overhaul. The white flakes blowing from the vents indicate a possible costly/time-consuming job and I am unsure if one fan working means I need a new bitron unit. The interior lighting has a mind of it's own and cometically it needs tarting up a bit inside and out and I've yet to examine the brake pad wear.

Oh, the tax is due end of month and insurance transfer will cost me another £50.

All in all, that's a lot of work and the costs will run into the hundreds - without further investigation I'm inclined to sell as I'm sure I will recoup my money (£175+£28+£40) and hopefully realise a profit. Whereas keeping it, at this moment in time, is simply going to be a costly gamble.
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Unread post by CitroJim »

I see your dilemma Mike.

You are looking at a heater matrix replacement at some point (as a lot of us are :( ), new drop links, another aircon compressor and a good deal of work that will cost you nothing except time; the cost of parts for all the work is not all that much in the grand scheme of things.

One fan not working is not the Bitron. That'll more than likely be the relay trio in the fan housing playing up. A very common problem upon which Clogzz has posted.

Otherwise, you have a lot of routine stuff which will be the case for any car.

Fact is, you have a new MOT on it so from that, you know the car is more or less OK and has nothing fundamentally seriously wrong. Any advisories?

I'd try not to be too paranoid about the noises you hear, I know and understand why you are but some XUDs can be quite clattery when cold but if it all quietens down when hot and goes OK, there's not a lot to worry about. Listen to my old 1.9TD or Dad's 205 on cold startup :lol:

From my viewpoint, you have a car you have had a good chance to look at closely. Fundamentally, from what you have told us, it's sound enough. If it were me, I'd do the necessary over time and keep hold of it. Once it's well fettled, it'll stay good for a long time. That has been my experience with 3 Xantias, 2 205s and 2 405s to date. Each has cost time an money to initially sort but then one enters a long period of calm when only routine maintenance is needed. None of mine started out in any way up to any sort of scratch, especially my Activa. It came close to a decision to break it at one point.

You know some major (and expensive) jobs have already been done on it.

So, on balance, I'd keep on the basis of evidence you have given. What you really need is for an experieced eye to look over it and offer a second opinion.

Also, no-one ever sells a car cheaply because it is in perfect order. If you sold yours now and bought another, I'd be very surprised if even an outwardly tidy one you pay a good bit for will not need a whole raft of work doing to it to bring it up to scratch.

So yours may not be such a costly gamble as you think. Tax and insurance costs will be the same for any car you get.

From a fundamentally good starting point, which you seem to have there, you can give yourself great satisfaction from pulling it up together. It really becomes YOUR car then. Admiral51 has played this card and is now reaping the rewards.

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Unread post by admiral51 »

Hi Mike,glad to hear that your new steed passed with flying colours :D :D
i can see the dilema in your in but ill try and put a different slant on it :)
you bought it from ebay so make yourself an advert for the car to go back on ebay listing exactly what it has got ie 12mths MOT service history etc and then add the list of faults that you know would be picked out by a buyer. i would ignore the cambelt water pump as that is a given to do when you buy a car that you have no conformation of its last change. put on a price that you would want back for it considering what you have paid out and then read the listing as if it were for real.
would you buy it at that price :?: :?: which "faults" are the most urgent what can you live without for the time being?? are you wanting to keep the car for a longish time or if sold would you buy another . i paid £500 for mine and ive already spent out on acc sphere hydraflush oil and fuel filters and oil clear fuel line barrs sealant relay for the heater blower + wires and crimps not to mention the tax :twisted: ive had to do it in a priority order cos its all little bits that add up and ive not even started on cleaning the interior and sorting the wing mirror etc etc :cry: :cry:

i can help you out on a few things though mate if you decide to keep it.did my acc sphere last weekend no problems there got the right tool freely available to those in need and i have got a box full of relays from fan cluster plus at least 3 working fans from TD xantias.had mega problems with my 1.9n/a fans wiring so more than willing to lend a hand just getting the timing right that maybe a problem but thats workable :lol: :lol:
would point you in the direction of someone whos good with cambelts but guess you may be heading north from here for that :wink: :wink:

remember Mike im just trying to be objective and helpful all at once see i can multitask :lol: :lol:
citrojim wrote:
From a fundamentally good starting point, which you seem to have there, you can give yourself great satisfaction from pulling it up together. It really becomes YOUR car then. Admiral51 has played this card and is now reaping the rewards.
Thanks for that Jim,but i couldnt have got as far as buying it let alone sorting(ish) it without the help from all on here most notably your good self surprised im not on your spam list :lol: :lol:

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Unread post by MikeT »

I made a mistake earlier thinking it had ABS so I've edited that bit out because it doesn't have it. :lol:

Thanks Jim and Colin for your input and kind offers.

There's always two sides to an argument. I can give as many reasons to keep it, not least of all the money spent on new major parts. It's not something I've can easily decide about, it's been a forethought since I got it starting again really. The majority of my braincells vote to keep it but there's equally strong opposition from the other 6 :P

Anyway, I think the right way forward is to work out what else is wrong first..... :oops:
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Unread post by MikeT »

Head gasket failure, now that's a conundrum. The selling potential has taken a nasty nosedive favouring the decision to repair and keep.

So, if I keep it, will a new head gasket suffice or could further unseen damage be likely?

Thank goodness I didn't transfer my insurance as I don't intend driving the car now unless absolutely necessary.
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Unread post by CitroJim »


You are very likely to be able to get away with a gasket set and a light skim. As long as the head has not overheated and gone like a banana it should be fine.

You need to budget for a new water pump and cambelt as it would ne muppetry not to have these replaced at the same time.

Don't under estimate the job. It is straightforward but neither easy nor quick. It takes a time and labour charges will be significant.

Don't use the car as the problem will rapidly progress and you run the risk of ruining the head.

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Unread post by MikeT »

Thanks for the advice Jim though I wouldn't know which garage to trust and I can probably do the majority of the work myself saving a lot of labour costs, if not all. Look at it this way, what have I got to lose? It's not worth a lot as a car right now. If it goes tits-up, I could sell or keep the new/good bits, scrap the remains and start again. It'll also give me the opportunity to examine the bores, maybe improve the head's airways and fit an indestructable head gasket. As you say, it's worth doing other jobs and I'd already decided to replace the belt and pump, maybe even the tensioners, should I decide to keep it. Who knows, I might be 100% successful and have an engine that's good for another 116K or more.
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Unread post by MikeT »

Coolant gas tester was used today. There's a bulb supplied that creates a vacuum to draw the coolant gas into the liquid indicator but that wasn't needed as we discovered the gases were being fed through it by the pressure, like a pan of water on a low-moderate boil. The liquid colour change confirmed it was combustion gases so further examination will commence shortly - weather permitting. Off with his head!! :lol:
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Unread post by CitroJim »


I'd just like to wish you all the very best on this epic journey you have commenced. At least it's happened in the spring and the weather is on your side.

You'll be fine, take it slowly and never hesitate to ask about anything you are unsure about. :D

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Unread post by MikeT »

I'm getting cold feet about changing the head gasket now. I've been crawling under the engine trying to find hidden access for the planned work and made some discoveries. First up is this loose bolt which I cannot see what it's purpose is, though I suspect it's related to the recent clutch change? Sorry about the poor focus, it's the bolt in the middle of the picture. It feels as if there's a nut on the other end or something holding it in place, otherwise it's loose and I'm unable to tighten it. Can anyone identify it please?


Then I checked under the n/s wheelarch as a protected cable was drooping too low and I saw this spare connector sitting next to a single rusty looking horn. My Mk1 had two horns together, is this a horn connector or something else?


Foward from the spare connector I saw this unit which I can't identify. Is this the bitron unit I've been looking for, it looks different to the MK1 unit and is in a different place? Again, apologies for the poor focus.


Finally, you may have noticed it's rather wet and oily under there so I had a further nose around and think I've located it as coming from the turbo. It certainly looks like it's dripping off the short rubber coupling hose shown here.


All comments and advisories welcome.
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Unread post by MikeT »

Once again I'm answering my own questions :lol:

The loose bolt appears to be attached to nothing else so I'm thinking maybe there should be an engine tray there? I think Mr. Clutch did a very unprofessional job leaving bits off or loose and the gearbox might even be leaking, it's wet everywhere so hard to tell.

The oil leak still has me baffled as it's not easy to see behind the engine. I've found it's just as wet above the turbo covering the air inlet pipes and so began to suspect the fuel return pipe which is nearby. However, there's also wetness or staining pretty much all along the vicinity or the head/block joint so it could be part of the failed head gasket problem - if it is the gasket and not the head. :roll:
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Unread post by admiral51 »

Hi Mike
im only guessing here but for what its worth........
1st picture if bolt is 10mm my guess is same as yours engine tray probably got one of those funny clip type bolts(like in the dash holding bits of facia together you know what i mean :oops: :oops: ) probably thats what keeps turning
2nd picture that looks the same setup as my n/a Xantia horn setup 2 plugs 1 for each horn
3rd picture i reckon could well be for headlight washer/wiper or something similar dont think its bitron but hey ive been wrong before :lol: :lol:
4th picture pass over to someone with some real knowledge :) :)


ps as an afterthought Mike maybe a good engine clean/degrease may help you see where/what is leaking some of that stuff could have been there months
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Unread post by MikeT »

Hopefully the bolt is nothing to worry about, there's one on the driver's side that is tightened up to a rubber grommet or plastic spacer but I didn't spend too long checking it out. Do I take it the Mk2 has twin horns then? I recall the Mk1 had twin horns but three connectors in that area :? If that isn't the bitron then I've yet to find it. Must be under the headlamp. As for cleaning the oil leaks - hosing it from underneath will not be a pleasant experience, I'm sure. :lol: Wiping would be a mammoth task.
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Unread post by myglaren »

Could you hire a steam cleaner to clean the engine bay? very effective.

I had my BX done and it left it looking like new.
The Xantia and the Accord never needed it, both were pristine.