Time has absolutely flown by since months since my last update
3 months of ringing every couple of days to her insurance company finally got me what i was originally offered by them....50:50
The reason it dragged out was because her insurance crowd were waiting to see if the cops were gonna take her to court for leaving the scene of an accident etc etc which of course they are not,they have to do all of this corespondance by letter which takes weeks of course

So i had no choice other than to settle

it's taken so long for a simple open and shut case that i had become so pissed off with it that i can't bear the thought of even going down to the guards again to see why she won't be prosecuted.
In all honesty i'd rather see her go to court and get strung up for it and recieve no money,but anyway enough rambling...
I found a door on ebay that cost me a snip at just under €90 delivered,considering that to repair my own door would have cost €516
It's an exact match and i'm going to try and get this fitted on saturday,it's in good shape and better than my own pre-damage
In other xantia matters i bought a lovely black leather interior off ebay aswell for £51!!!

Cost me twice as much to get it shipped on a pallet do

It's in fantastic condition and much better than i was expecting and on any other day would have cost £150 imo
I have all the door cards and rear seats fitted,i just need to fit a few bits on the dashboard and maybe try fit the front seats
I'm still in 2 minds as to what to do as they are electric seats and i haven't got a clue where to start with the amount of wires and connections that came with the seats