My Xantia

Tell us your ongoing tales and experiences with your French car here. Post pictures of your car here as well.
Xantia Colin
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My Xantia

Unread post by Xantia Colin »

I'd be no use at keeping anything like a blog up to date, but photos I sometimes get around to (only got photos of one of my current fleet...)

So here are some photos of my sinker, she is in nice enough condition, had her a couple of months now and just working away at everything that needs doing. So far she has had a full new exhaust system (including the cat), a full service and a good clean. Things to do, well, cam belt was done 5k ago, but that was 5 years ago, so I will get round to that eventually, the auxilliary belt could look better, so I'll get one ordered up, and that's about it!

I'll get around to taking photos of the estate at some point, but really it's of less interest...

And here's some pics from todays efforts to get rid of my scrap,

1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
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Unread post by andmcit »

Hi Colin, are you keeping any more off the Cx!! If not it's a real shame you're
way up in Falkirk as I'm in South Wales but would love the Cx x2 bumpers.

Mind, are you saving the locks, grille, indicators, expansion bottle as I'd
be interested in buying/saving these?

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Unread post by CitroJim »

Hi Colin,

Great to see you starting a blog :D It can get addictive.

After seeing it in the metal, I rather like your sinker. One very special car you have there...

Are you coming to the CXM next month?

Runner, cyclist, duathlete, Citroen AX fan and the CCC Citroenian 'From A to Z' Columnist...
Xantia Colin
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Unread post by Xantia Colin »

Hi Andrew,

Locks are knackered! ( actually, I don't even have the front doors and not that I've ever had a key for them)

The bumpers actually have a good few battle wounds, back one especially (it has been attached in a rather crude manner at some point in its life).

I'll have a look at the grille in the morning, and I'm sure the expansion bottle is fine, I'll take it off. If our paths ever cross you can certainly have them (I think I'll be taking a Xantia to the CX rally?), they were going for scrap after all. I used to have the twin sister of her, sold recently;
1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
Xantia Colin
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Joined: 21 Jul 2010, 20:06

Unread post by Xantia Colin »

CitroJim wrote:
Are you coming to the CXM next month?
Possibly in another Xantia that's getting kept for life like that one.....
1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
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Unread post by andmcit »

Hi Colin - thank you for the reply. If you wouldn't mind saving the grille (I see
the top lugs are missing but it's better than one of mine), the front indicators
and expansion bottle I'll sort collection out - I'm not going to get to the CXM
rally - had plenty of practice organising couriers with ebay purchases.

BTW, does the tailgate still stay open on the struts as these are weak on mine?

That 16v VSX of yours loks damned nice - amazing mileage too and a great
colour - what's the history behind it - yours from new? These don't half shift!

Another Xantia being added for life - an Activa?

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Unread post by XantiaDaveEire »

Nice Xantia Colin :lol: I really like the early steering wheels ,its a shame they felt the need to make it less quirky in the later models from as early as mid 94 i think :roll:

Did you sell your other Cx on ebay ? ,i remember something very similar being up not so long ago ..

1998 Xantia 1.9 TD 186k
2008 C4 grand Picasso exclusive 105k #-o
Xantia Colin
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Unread post by Xantia Colin »

Andrew, my local scrap man just turned up at the door :shock:

He's coming tomorrow to pick up the CX so I'll nip out now and get all that stuff off of it. The tailgate struts have no impact what so ever in keeping the tailgate open (I believe this car had sat in a forrest for 5 or 6 years, we did get it running though!)

The Xantia,

Well, long story really. about 18 months ago there was a CCC member from Aberdeen posted on the forum saying he had this car, and it had a bad lhm leak and he wanted rid of it. I was very very tempted at that time, but managed to convince him to have it repaired. Then, about 4 months ago, an advert appeared on the online ads on the CCC website, I contacted him again and discussed the situation. His wife had given up drivng and he had 4 cars (2 of those pointless bmw things, and a really nice 205). He bought this car when it was 3 years old, it had been a company car to that point and had only 25k on the clock. From that point he kept is as his toy so the miles were kept down, he had only done 5000 miles in it over the last 5 years! I too plan to keep it in this manner and preserve it.

Dave, yes I sold my CX on ebay about 4 weeks ago, I fear the bodywork was in terminal decline... (yes, I am aware fellow CX owners will disagree with this statement)

1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
Xantia Colin
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Unread post by Xantia Colin »

andmcit wrote:If you wouldn't mind saving the grille (I see
the top lugs are missing but it's better than one of mine), the front indicators
and expansion bottle

One of the front indicators was already broken (both had cracks on the lenses), and I managed to break the other taking it off :oops:

I have the gille and expansion bottle off though. The grille is actually ok, only one of the top lugs are missing, the other was just not attached.

Would there be anyone you know going to CXM that I could entrust these items with perhaps?

1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
Xantia Colin
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Joined: 21 Jul 2010, 20:06

Unread post by Xantia Colin »

MOT today,


No big problem, one drop link, no advisories. So I have one ordered that will be fitted during the week and I will nip in next Saturday for them to give me a nice new certificate. The MOT doesn't expire until the 18th anyway.

Edit, I have 2 ordered, of course I will change both!
1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
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Unread post by CitroJim »

Colin, PM sent :wink:

Runner, cyclist, duathlete, Citroen AX fan and the CCC Citroenian 'From A to Z' Columnist...
Xantia Colin
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Unread post by Xantia Colin »

In an effort to keep up a "blog" (who can tell me why they are called blogs???)

After the slowest delivery ever for a couple of drop links (9 days, I only had 10 days for my retest and had to take an afternoon off work as a result!), on Tuesday I took the sinker back for the retest, so we now have a years mot.

This week I also recieved my chinese lexia 3(complete with "made in france" stickers)

After spending an infuriating Wednesday evening getting it all installed, success, I have it on a £25 IBM Thinkpad T21 purchased on ebay specifically for the job, the benefit of this is I used to have a T21 long ago in the past and have some bits and bobs I was able to utilise, extra ram, a car charger, and several spare batteries for it, which makes it fairly practical.

Anyway I best pop along to the lexia map thread now I suppose...
1996 Xantia 1.9td Estate
1994 Xantia 2.0 16v VSX Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.8 Sinker
1993 Xantia 1.9td Sinker
1996 Xantia Activa
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Unread post by myglaren »

Xantia Colin wrote:In an effort to keep up a "blog" (who can tell me why they are called blogs???)
It is a corruption of "Web Log" - a journal held on the web.

Anyway I best pop along to the lexia map thread now I suppose...
Numbers are increasing in a very encouraging manner, thanks for volunteering Colin :)